Welcome to our guide of “Lost Ark: Locating The Nightmare Ghost Ship”. When it concerns Lost Ark sailing interactions, one event in particular appears to be fearing the bulk of players, the Nightmare Ghost Ships. What are these, and where can you locate them?
The Nightmare Ghost Ships
Nightmare Ghost Ships is a sailing event in which you come upon a frightening and scary ship on the high seas. To finish the event, you must enter the ship and assassinate all of the crew members after a brief cinematic.
The enemies on board aren’t simple to take down. You’ll be on a timing constraint, so you must be at your finest to finish the battle. You can embark this Nightmare Ghost Ship encounter how many times as you wish. However the unique plunder is only available for a week.
Locating The Nightmare Ghost Ship
A little grey vessel emblem indicates Nightmare Ghost Ships on the map. Keep in mind that these ships only emerge once every several hours, so finding one may take some time.
We recommend equipping Eibern’s Wound ship and recruiting crew mates with the Fighter – Ghost Ship skill when you find a Ghost Ship. While it isn’t required, it will help you in combat and help the event go more smoothly.
Then just sail to the places and wait for a short cutscene to begin, after which you’ll be transferred aboard the Ghost Ship, then attacked by a horde of opponents.
Keep in mind that Ghost Ships frequently spawn near dangerous seas, so stay away from them while you wait for the battle to begin.
So, this was all about locating the Nightmare Ghost Ship Lost Ark. Feel free to leave a comment below if you liked our guide.