Welcome to our guide of “Lost Ark: How To Get A Powerpass & Use It?”. In this guide we will show you how you can get a powerpass and use if for your Alt characters.

Getting a Powerpass in Lost Ark
Earning your 1st Power Pass is straightforward, but not straightforward. Earning your second is simple and straightforward but earning your third is unattainable due to the fact that every player is restricted to 2 Power Passes per user , at least for the time being.
You must accomplish Ealyn’s missions in Vern Castle in order to receive your first Power Pass. Around level 50, you’ll come across the Ealyn’s Gift quest chain; to acquire the Power Pass, you’ll need to finish the whole North Vern main mission. The in-game email system will then send you a Power Pass token. A new Power Pass token would be delivered to you through in-game mail when you utilize that token.
How to use a Powerpass?
It’s really straightforward to use the Power Pass. Select the character you wish to boost on the character selecting page, then click the button at the end of the screen to use one of your tokens.
After that, that character will have to finish its very own Adventurer’s Path mission for that class and once you’ve completed it, you’ll have all the equipment you’ll need to face the endgame stuff in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
So, this was all about getting a Powerpass and using it in Lost Ark. We hope you liked our ‘Lost Ark: How To Get A Powerpass & Use It?’ guide. Feel free to leave a comment below if you liked our guide.