Welcome to our guide of “Lost Ark: How Can You Claim Launch Celebration Gift?”. Smilegate RPG is giving gamers free Launch Celebration package chock-full of in-game goodies to commemorate the Western release of Lost Ark. Here’s how to get your hands on it.

Lost Ark, a dungeon crawler adventure by Smilegate RPG, has caught the audience by surprise since its recent February release. Although the game is free to play, dedicated hack and slash fans may purchase a Founder’s Pack for rare goods, skins and XP boosts – yet the price stopped many players from purchasing their own piece of Lost Ark legacy.
Smilegate is offering gamers a free of cost Lost Ark Launch Celebration present bundle to celebrate the game’s Western premiere, and it simply takes a few clicks.
How Can You Claim Launch Celebration Gift?
Anybody playing Lost Ark can get their “Lost Ark Launch Celebration” present for free, as long as they log in between February 19 at 11:59 a.m. PST / 2:59 a.m. EST / 7:59 a.m. GMT / 8:59 a.m. EST and March 1 at 11:59 a.m. PST.
When you log in the following time, the gift will show in your in-game merchandise inventory. To redeem it, simply do the following:
⦁ Click the box having an arrow aiming into it in the top left side of your screen.
⦁ Your Launch Celebration present will be visible, as well as a ‘Claim’ button. Select it by clicking on it.
⦁ Go to your Inventory (normally connected to ‘I’, but also accessible via ‘Character’ in the bottom right corner).
⦁ Engage with the pack (right-click to open up a menu displaying all of the goods inside) to open up a menu displaying all of the contents within.
⦁ Click the ‘Open’ button.
⦁ Your products have been added to your Inventory. Engage with them to learn how to utilize them.
⦁ It’s important to note that you could only select 1 of the 2 mounts.
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