With 161 champions and counting, there’s no shortage of characters in League of Legends. This eclectic cast of heroes and villains is one of the most colorful rosters in gaming. It’s not just character abilities and aesthetics that set the denizens of Summoner’s Rift apart from other gaming lineups. They also boast in-depth backstories and rich interpersonal dynamics. In fact, many LoL champions are intimately connected. Read on for five LoL pairings you might not have known are related.
1. Yasuo and Yone
Better known as the ‘the wind brothers’, Yasuo and Yone have a pretty complicated dynamic. If you’re familiar with the lore behind these half-brothers, you’ll know how warped their history is. After killing his older brother, Yasuo was rocked with regret. However, he didn’t have long to wallow in grief. Yone was eventually restored to life, making an already messed up dynamic even more dysfunctional.
2. Renekton and Nasus
Renekton and Nasus are another pair of brothers with a fairly fractious relationship. In their younger years, the two brothers were pretty close, with the pair taking the same side in several wars. However, Renekton was eventually sealed away with the evil Xerath in act of self-sacrifice to save his brother. It took him centuries to break free but, by that time, his sanity was all but stripped away. As you’d expect, their dynamic is less than straightforward today.
3. Cassiopeia and Katarina
These two sisters don’t look anything alike. What’s more, they occupy completely different champion classes. However, Cassiopeia and Katarina used to enjoy a close sisterly bond. These two drifted apart after Cassiopeia was cursed in the pursuit of power. Although her sister met with ill fortune, Katarina enjoyed a better time of things as she mastered her assassin skills. If this dynamic wasn’t confusing enough, a third LoL champion can claim a familial connection to these sisters. Talon, the Blade’s Shadow, is their adopted younger brother. While Katarina made room for Talon in the family, Cassiopeia has always dismissed him as something of an outsider.
4. Draven and Darius
Draven and Darius are brothers. Unlike other sibling dynamics in League of Legends, these two aren’t exactly at odds. Both come from humble beginnings, although each brother took a slightly different path to get where they are now. Darius pursued a career in the military, eventually securing a high-ranking officer role. Meanwhile, Draven honed his craft as a pit fighter. Nonetheless, he
became a star in his own right, earning the respect of his fellow fighters. Check the latest LoL schedule here and you’ll also find that Draven is one of the more popular champion picks.
5. Morgana and Kayle
Morgana and Kayle might be sisters, but they don’t share much besides DNA. These two were once close, but the older they got, the more they drifted apart. Nowadays, Morgana and Kayle loathe each other. If you had to pick a side, you’d probably throw your support behind Morgana. She may have her baggage, but Morgana is by far the more grounded and together of the two.