This article will provide a tutorial on how to beat Terror, the game’s first boss, in his lair, which is referred to as Terror’s Lair.

How to locate Terror Lair’s?
If you have recently completed The Dark Forest, then the exit from that area will lead you directly to Terror’s Lair. Find the place on Hopalloo Island where there are tables outdoors; there should be a large building directly next to them. If you are not coming from this direction, you will need to find this spot. Find the stump that is adjacent to the building, and use it to climb up to the ledge that is above the structure. From that vantage point, you should be able to make out some handholds on the wall. You may use these handholds to scale the wall and reach the region that contains the entrance to Terror’s Lair.
How to beat Terror?
Terror is the game’s first boss, and although he is not very difficult to beat, you will need to go through three different stages in order to eventually defeat him. Additionally, the initial phase is not very complicated since he will only use a single strike throughout this part of the battle. He will turn into a cyclone and then whirl around the arena in a linear fashion while continuously directing his attacks at you. Be aware that the paths he spins along will remain behind as flames, which will make it more difficult for you to move about in this area. In the event that this becomes necessary, you may, however, roll through the fire. Terror will eventually get dizzy and stop spinning, which is your chance to get some strikes in on him. After a few ricochets off the walls, he will ultimately become dizzy and stop spinning. In most cases, you will have around three opportunities to strike the boss before he will begin moving again.
The second phase
The transition into the second phase will take place when Terror’s health drops below the first line on his health bar. Terror will be standing just beneath the chandelier when it materializes in the center of the playing field. You can’t simply stay still to avoid the whirlwinds that the boss will throw out in all directions since they move somewhat back and forth, so you can’t just avoid them by standing still. After a few seconds of this, you should notice that the screen is shaking, which is a sign that some things are going to be falling to the ground. You’ll need to swiftly grab one of these objects, then point your camera towards the chandelier, and last, throw the item at the chandelier. Perform this step three times before proceeding to the next phase.
The final phase
During the third and last phase of the fight against Terror, he will carry out the identical assault that he did during the second phase. Because these whirlwinds have not changed in any way, you should continue to avoid them in the same way that you have in the past. To do damage to Terror, you will, however, have to hold off until certain platforms materialize out of thin air, which will happen when a predetermined length of time has elapsed. You’ll find one of the dark crystals in The Dark Forest after following these platforms to the location. You only only strike the dark crystal with any kind of attack to do damage to the monster; in fact, it only takes three strikes to eventually bring Terror down for the count.
Now that Terror is no longer a threat, the next step in your plan of action is to go to the forest where he discovered the crystal. Naturally, in order to get there, you will want some mode of transportation, and the game will instruct you as to which direction to go in. You should go over there to get things started, but Gadget has said that he needs his Special Wrench, which seems to be in The Lava Caves, which is the next region you will explore.
You can also refer to the video below and learn how to beat Terror.