Using the Mastercard, Visa as well as an Amex Visa, Mastercard, or Amex Gift Card using Amazon could result in various difficulties. In the beginning, making the card an option for payment can be difficult. There are several ways to make buying the gift card offered by Amazon effortless. Read the article to learn How to use American Express Gift Card on Amazon!
The limitations on using gift cards on Amazon
Amazon does not permit you to divide a purchase across multiple cards, say the gift card you’re using is worth $100, and your purchase is $170, you won’t be able to compensate for the difference. Your purchase will be rejected. However, when your purchase is for $80, you’ll only have a $20 amount on your gift card which isn’t really useful for anything.
Amazon requires the cardholder’s name and the billing address to be registered with a credit card for payment. Because many gift cards aren’t personal to you There isn’t a zip code or name to enter and Amazon will not be able to verify the card.
There are several ways to make buying the gift card offered by Amazon effortless. There’s no better place to purchase the card than Amazon. Here’s what you should do!
How To Use Your AMEX Gift Card To Your Amazon Account (Step-By-Step Guide)
In order to use your American Express gift card on Amazon you’ll need to link the card as a pay option to your Amazon account. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do this:
- Visit and sign in with your Amazon account.
- Select “Your Account” in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
- Select “Amazon Wallet” in the menu that opens.
- Simply click on “Add a credit or debit card.”
- Fill in Your American Express gift card number and expiration date.
- Input the four-digit security code that is on the card’s front.
- Uncheck the box that reads “Set as default payment method.”
- Simply click on “Add your card.”
How to Register and Activate American Express Gift Card
You could face several difficulties when trying to purchase Amazon gift card credits using an Amex Gift Card:
To register, contact for registration on the American Express customer service line at 1-877-297-438. The information you provide will contain the following details:
- 15-digit gift card number
- Four-digit card Identification Coding (CIC) is found on the upper right-hand corner of the card.
- 3 3-digit Card Security Code (CSC) on the reverse of the card
- The address at which you live
Once your card is authenticated, you can use it with no difficulty. This is How to use American Express Gift Card on Amazon. Hopefully, this has helped you all. Make sure to check our other American Express guides.