This guide will help you find and battle the Legendary Pokemon Regigigas in Pokemon Sword and Shield’s Crown Tundra DLC.
Regigigas can be obtained once you’ve collected all five of the Regis: Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Regieleki, and Regidrago.
Since you can only collect four of the five Regis needed during your playthrough (you’ll need to choose between Regieleki or Regidrago), you’ll need to trade with someone for whichever you don’t have.Once you’ve collected all five Regis, make sure they are in your party and head to the Watt Trader at the base of Snowslide Slope.From here, turn around and enter the Giant’s Bed area. Turn right and walk through the two trees towards a vacant Pokemon Den surrounded by four boulders.You’ll know this is the correct Pokemon Den because it’s not glowing red, instead appearing empty.Interact with the Pokemon Den with all five Regis in your party to intitiate a battle against a Level 100 Dynamaxed Regigigas.This battle is very difficult, as it must be fought solo and you cannot bring anyone with you. Thankfully, Regigigas has a 100% catch rate once defeated, meaning you can use whichever Poke Ball you prefer.advertisementFind out where to get the rest of the Crown Tundra Legendary Pokemon.
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