Welcome to our guide of “Horizon Forbidden West: How To Find The Cinnabar Sands Tallneck?”. Every Tallneck you override in Horizon Forbidden West reveals a part of the map, showing all the objectives and regions within. Finding & overriding every Tallneck will reveal the entire Horizon Forbidden West landscape with all its locations, making these extraordinary machines essential for exploring Horizon Forbidden West. In the guide we will tell you about the Cinnabar Sands Tallneck.
How To Find The Cinnabar Sands Tallneck in Horizon Forbidden West?
One of the earliest Tallnecks you’ll probably encounter is circling a broken satellite dish. Although the dish isn’t positioned in a way that allows you to leap over to the machine’s head or neck. You’ll need to grasp some unique features from Horizon Forbidden West which you may not be familiar with to fix this.
⦁ You’ll notice a generator having a battery indication beneath the Satellite dish that requires a power cell to start.
⦁ Fire the ladder above the Satellite’s north side to knock it down, then climb up.
⦁ Continue climbing past the dormant console by leaping across to the ladder.
⦁ This will lead you to a large platform with a ladder on the far side.
⦁ Stomp it down but instead of falling off the end. Jump to the right-hand climbing point and shuffle around to a device that has an additional battery hologram upon it.
⦁ Take out a power battery by interacting with the device. Carry it down to basement level and use it to charge up the dish with the generator.
⦁ Return to the console & utilize it to flip the dish and partially flatten it out. Turn left instead of right from the console, jumping over the gap and ascending back the ladder to the main level.
⦁ Because the dish is jammed. Use your attention to find two glowing power lines and smash them with arrows. This allows the dish to flatten out completely.
⦁ Aloy can now crawl over a ladder onto the central support of the dish. When you’re close enough, walk to one of the dish’s edges, then jump & slide to the Tallneck’s head.
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