Welcome to our guide of “Horizon Forbidden West: Finding The Battlefield In Cradle of Echoes Quest”. After watching a Far Zenith troop brought down by an unknown weapon that broke their shield, Aloy has a lot to research and learn from the scenario. But where? With so many hidden clues and beneficial tidbits, it’s simple to forget or overlook a few of the ones that you are supposed to locate. That’s why we’ve created this Horizon Forbidden West & Cradle of Echoes quest guide.

Finding the Battlefield in Cradle of Echoes Quest
With in Cradle of Echoes area, there are four clues to locate. Use your attention to locate hazy purple signs over critical items, then physically go over to it and press the engage button when instructed. After then, the clue will be saved and you can go on to the next one.
It’s difficult to find all of the signs you’re looking for because not all of these are visually clear, and the purple haze mixes in well with the surrounding colours, so if you don’t realize where to look, the symbols left by the Focus are unlikely to stand out. There are a total of four clues scattered over the battlefield, not counting the Zenith corpse. We’ve compiled a list of them, along with information on where to locate them.
⦁ Weapon that has been charred. Just on ridge west of a corpse, the smoking ruins of the weapon fired on the Zenith.
⦁ Corpse. Another hint is an Oseram’s body, which may be found just behind the burnt weapon on the other half of some vegetation.
⦁ Spectre. The gigantic mechanical nightmare laying dead to east side of the Zenith’s corpse is an evident one. You’ll get the inspect prompt if you approach it.
⦁ Camping Equipment. This seems to be easy to miss, a bedroll & blankets are laid out along the rear wall of the cliffs, just southwest of Oseram’s body & Charred Weapon. They’re somewhat concealed by foliage & rocks but they should be simple to spot once you understand where to look.
Once you’ve located them all, simply return to Erend to share your discoveries and continue the mission. Of course, you may have had some difficulty reaching to this point.
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