Welcome to our guide of “Horizon Forbidden West: Finding Poseidon!”. Poseidon may be found in the Las Vegas Ruins within Horizon Forbidden West. The desert has become ravaged by machines and nature since humanity’s demise, with the AI program Poseidon prowling beneath the ruins. Horizon Forbidden West has poor visibility and no obvious signs, therefore finding it is difficult. Not to worry, we’ve got you covered in the Las Vegas Ruins.
Finding the Poseidon AI
When you get in Vegas, a vast region will be indicated on your map for you to search. However, it’s difficult to know where to seek and it’s possible to get lost. But don’t worry, if you follow the map above, you should be able to find what you’re searching for: a gigantic pagoda-like structure with dripping water. As you approach the “Tower of Tears,” Aloy will even make a statement about it.
Acquiring the Poseidon AI
Once inside the tower, you’ll encounter three new NPCs. They’ve discovered a way down into the city, but they need help exploring it carefully. They’ll assist to you get Poseidon and eliminate obstacles by following their questline. It’s possibly the first time in Vegas that a stranger made a genuine and legal contract.
Eventually, you’ll discover Poseidon, that takes you underneath the city to a new place. Having a campfire, a workbench, a stash box and even a merchant, this Tower of Tears is a valuable hub place. Make full use of all of stuff before you descend underneath the city, which is one of the more difficult trials you’ll face.
So, this was our guide for “Horizon Forbidden West: Finding Poseidon!”. Feel free to leave a comment below if you liked our guide. Please stay tuned for more guides of all the latest exciting games this year!