Welcome to our guide “Godfall: How To Fight High Lord Phalaxar?”. When playing Godfall, the first real “thorn on your side” is High Lord Phalanxar. High Lord Phalanxar enjoys more growth as a mid-boss than most of the boss encounters, so you’ll see him a lot in the early stages of the game. Here’s how to fight him.

How to prepare for the battle with High Lord Phalaxar?
Highlord Phalanxar assaults relentlessly and will stand on fire to stop you from hitting him. Your weapon pool and ability selection will be limited due to your early game status, but there are certain actions you can do to help. Carry a weapon with good range. While Phalanxar is often in your face, he can also relax within his own AOE. Carrying a Polearm or even a Greatsword ready allows you to toss your weapon and deal damage from afar. Also remember your Shield Throw.
The Polearm is also highly fast and has inherently long-reaching strikes, making it ideal for repelling Phalanxar’s kill attempts. Due to their size, greatswords can also play the role. You can stun Phalanxar by unleashing Charged Attacks to fill his gauge. Given to the longer windup, timing is necessary to pull this off. You could also rely on Light Attacks to be safe.
How to fight High Lord Phalaxar in Godfall?
Phalanxar is daunting yet manageable if you get his rhythm right. His attacks may be parried, also he can be stunned, and his windup motions make it easy to dodge. Staying near to Phalanxar will allow you to do the greatest damage. This is simple to dodge because Phalanxar only has two hits. Stay close and attack, then zip around him if things become too hairy.
You can’t stop Phalanxar from using the “AOE Fire Blast” to drive you away from him. While he delays the fight, retreat out of range, toss your shield, and perform Weapon Techniques to deliver damage. Mostly avoid Phalanxar, as parrying him would knock you back. Except when he lights blue. This attack must always be parried since it will knock him down and leave him vulnerable. If you miss to dodge his blue attack, he will follow up with an hard smash. Keep an eye out for Phalanxar’s Red Grab. This attack is rapid and does a lot of damage. He’ll use this frequently if you ‘re close to him, so dodge if you notice him flash red. Faster weapons can help by reducing attack recovery time.
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