FORTNITE: Eventually Will Chrome Cover the whole of Fortnite Map?
A new season of Fortnite has begun, and with it comes a liquid that will consume the island and its inhabitants. Chrome has not met a human or animal it does not want to touch, based on the player’s limited exposure to it so far. If the Chrome gets near something, it will destroy it.
According to HYPEX, a popular Fortnite data mining company, the island’s Chrome will spread widely, incurring petrochemical expenditures in excess of $80 million.
As the season continues, the Chrome will spread across the global map. Goyla the teddy bear appears in the preview, but he still has not figured out where he belongs. Good job putting it out there, Adam.
It appears the Loopers can do nothing to prevent the Chromes from conquering their home. Almost certainly kidnapped by The Herald, the rest of the Seven became indistinguishable blobs in the Chromesphere while the Paradigm vanished to Reality 659. All of the Seven would have been eaten if the Paradigm had not acted quickly.
While waiting for the bulk of the players to make preparations, gamers might take use of Chrome in the meanwhile. Chrome Splash is a game mechanic that causes the player to crash through the floor or wall. Although extremely harmful, it adds a fresh spin that makes everything it touches feel like the first time.