Evie, the current season’s face, and Panther, a previous season’s costume, are now Fortnite NPCs. Sunbird and Moon Hawk are the same individual wearing different clothing. Thus you can’t encounter them both at once.
Fortnite characters accept gold bars for weapons, goods, and intel. Although characters no longer distribute Fortnite tasks, it pays to know their positions because they’ll give you free things and provide services like fighting as your bodyguard or forecasting the next storm circle to give you an edge. You’ll need to find these 29 NPCs to use their skills.
Darth Vader isn’t on the official Fortnite character list, so follow our special instructions to battle him. Follow our guide to all of the Fortnite characters’ locations in Season 3 to find these elusive NPCs.
Fortnite All Character’s locations
- The Visitor – Launchpad (east of Sanctuary)
- Sunbird or Moon Hawk – The Temple (northeast of The Daily Bugle)
- The Order – Seven Outpost IV (south of Condo Canyon)
- Haven – Ridgeline Ranger Station (west of Coney Crossroads)
- Jonesy The First – The Joneses (blue building on the north side)
- Ludwig – The Joneses (red building on the southeast side)
- Guaco – Greasy Grove (behind the counter inside Tacos)
- Mancake – Rocky Reels (storage building on the east side)
- Bao Bros – Condo Canyon (Dumpling store on the west side)
- Lil’ Whip – Coney Crossroads (Sofdeez on the east side)
- Rustler – Shifty Shafts (east side)
- The Paradigm – Seven Outpost II (northwest of Logjam Lumberyard)
- The Scientist – Synapse Station (Battle Bus workshop)
- The Origin – Seven Outpost III (northeast of The Daily Bugle)
- The Imagined – Seven Outpost V (west of Rave Cave)
- Cuddle Team Leader – Rave Cave (platform by north entrance)
- Stash’d – Chonker’s Speedway (workshop on northwest side)
- Cryptic – Rave Cave (inside central cave area)
- Fishstick – Sleepy Sound (inside Sticks)
- The Foundation – Seven Outpost VII (east of Sanctuary)
- Meowscles – Scratch Pad (west of Reality Falls)
- Bunker Jonesy – The Joneses (near the pond on the southwest side)
- Mullet Marauder – The Joneses (gym building on the northwest side)
- Metal Team Leader – Shroom Chalet (northwest of Reality Falls)
- Cuddlepool – Shroom Chalet (northwest of Reality Falls)
- Quackling – Shroom Chalet (northwest of Reality Falls)
- Kyle – Washout Wharf (northeast of Logjam Lotus)
- Evie – Syndicate Shoals (east of The Daily Bugle)
- Panther – Gas Station (northeast of Rocky Reels)