In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. The Mage is a tome-wielding class that excels in elemental assaults and is characterized by their use of tomes. If you want to bring this magic-based class up to its full potential in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. Then we are here to help you out with this tutorial. In this guide we will show you the greatest Mage Class Build that there is.

Using the Mage
The Mage is a class that may be played at the intermediate level and specializes in using elemental attacks. If the players you are up against are also users of magic. Then the Mage class is the ideal option for you to choose.
The Mage has a strong resistance to magical assaults, but its defenses are very vulnerable to harm dealt by physical means. This indicates that the Mage should avoid engaging in combat with foes who inflict physical damage while they are on their own.
However, the Mage in Three Hopes is particularly effective against those who wield bows, making it a highly important troop to use when facing off against foes armed with bows.
The Mage class should only be used against foes who are armed with magical assaults and bows. Because of its high resistance, the Mage class is even more effective than the Monk when used against users of magical effects.
In the event that the Mage is confronted with foes who do physical damage, you will need to ensure that additional troops are available to provide assistance for the Mage.
What are the best units for Mage?
When it comes to the Black Eagles, Hubert is the most useful troop for the Mage to have in their arsenal. Mercedes is the greatest unit for the Mage Class for the Blue Lions, while Lysithea is the best unit for the Mage Class for the Golden Deer. Lastly, for the Mage Class, Lysithea is the best selection for the Golden Deer.
In FEW: Three Hopes, the Mage class will provide these soldiers the ability to employ a variety of of magical attacks while also protecting them from the effects of assaults from other magic users. They will be susceptible to physical assaults, but this is a fair tradeoff, and it will fit in well with the gameplay of these troops because of how they are designed.
Therefore, the following are the three most useful units for the Mage class in FEW: Three Hopes:
- Hubert
- Annette
- Lysithea
Mage Combos
Combo Input | Combo Description |
Y X | Performs a spell that launches enemies into the air |
Y Y X | Performs two magic attacks and then summons three bolts of lightning which launch enemies into the air |
Y Y Y X | Performs three magic attacks followed by a fire spell which hits all enemies present within a large radius around the Mage |
Y Y Y Y X | Performs four magic attacks before summoning a tornado which launches enemies into the air |
Spam Y | Performs multiple magic attacks in a row, with the final one knocking enemies far back in every direction |
Mage Unique Abilities
Bow Buster Level 2
This ability gives the Mage a one-tier edge over foes armed with bows, which in turn enhances the damage they do by 85 percent. This advantage is granted while the foes are facing the Mage.
It bestows the Fire spell to the Mage. If the Mage has previous experience with the Fire magic, then the strength of the spell is enhanced.
The Miasma spell is bestowed to the Mage. If the Mage has previous experience with the Miasma spell, then the strength of the spell is enhanced.
Dark Magic Mastery
Allows spells that use Dark Magic to regain their power more quickly.
Cavalry Buster Level 3
This ability offers the Mage a one-tier larger advantage over any cavalry troops they face while playing FEW: Three Hopes. As a result, the Mage’s damage is increased by a factor of 90 percent.