In this guide we will talk about the details on the process of growing facilities in Fire Emblem: Three Hopes. Such as how the process of expanding and upgrading facilities works. Also the locations of the various materials that must be gathered in order to successfully expand facilities.

Unlocking the Facilities Master
When you return to the Base Camp after completing a few Side Quests in Chapter 4. You will be harassed by one of your friends. Who will tell you about increasing facilities. Even advise you to go to the Facilities Master for additional information about this topic.
If you do so, you will be presented with a lesson on increasing facilities. This is an essential part of the growth system in Fire Emblem Three Hopes. The expansion of facilities will provide you with access to additional services. In addition to improving the quality of existing services to which you currently have access:
Training Grounds
Upgrade the amount of Training Slots available in the Training Grounds. Unlock the opportunity to promote to Advance and Master classes, lower the cost of leveling up, and boost the effectiveness of training.
Tactics Academy
Unlock additional Warrior Gauges, raise the maximum possible stat cap, get access to more concoctions and elixirs. Strengthen unique Actions Abilities, Unique Support Abilities, Unique Tactical Abilities, and Crest effects with the Tactics Academy. After being unlocked, these improvements may be acquired for each character. However, only after doing so will their benefits become active.
Lowers the cost of blacksmithing, enables the blacksmith to repair and re-forge higher-grade weapons, unlocks benefits associated with crests, and raises the amount of might and durability obtained while making weapons.
The Recreation Quarter
Enables you to go to new sites during excursions, boosts the success rate while cooking or volunteering and increases the variety of dishes that are accessible to you.
Increase the variety of presents, weapons, resources, and other products that are offered by shops. Decrease the costs of gifts and resources that are sold by shops. Increase the amount of money that is gained by successfully finishing fights.
Battalion Guild
Enables the purchase of battalions of higher tiers, boosts the battalion’s endurance, raises the maximum number of battalions that can be recruited at once, and lowers the cost of hiring battalions.
Supply Depot
Gathering random resources increase the sorts of products you may trade Smithing Stones for, increase the quantity of Smithing Stones obtained while trading items, and reduce the number of Smithing Stones required to trade for items when using the Supply Depot.
As you can see, facilities have an effect on almost every aspect of the game, including the cost of leveling up, the classes that are available to you, the types of gifts, weapons, resources, ingredients, and other goods that you can buy, the efficiency of your battalions, the number of Warrior Gauges and abilities that your characters will have, their maximum stats, and how easy it is to acquire gold and materials during combat.
The process of improving one’s surroundings is a highly significant part of the game.