In this guide we will talk about the details on the Volunteering system in Fire Emblem: Three Hopes. Including information about the numerous Chores that may be accepted from the Chore Master. Also the benefits that can be earned by completing Chores.

Unlocking the Chore Master
You will be given an overview of the Base Camp during Chapter 4. This is where a wide variety of amenities and services will be made available to you. One of them, which is run by a non-player character known as the Chore Master. This gives you the opportunity to volunteer for different chores across the camp. Because it makes more sense to wear out your elite troops, generals, strategists, and magic–users with drudgery. Instead of deploying camp followers or conscripts for such chores. Mainly because it makes sense to tire out your elite soldiers, generals, and magic-users with drudgery. Okay, taking care of mounts makes a little bit of sense, but operating a stall on the street? Someone isn’t really committed to winning this battle, and it’s become quite obvious.
What do you mean by ‘Chores’?
You will be able to volunteer for a variety of chores if you engage in conversation with the Chore Master. The Chores themselves are generally interchangeable in the sense that there is no compelling reason to choose one over another.
The only exception to this rule is the fact that various characters love different types of menial work, and they will get bigger benefits by Volunteering for certain chores. There will be no room for confusion regarding which characters are best suited for which Chores because the portraits of the characters who have a preference for a particular Chore will be displayed on the bottom left of the screen, and when you select a Chore, those portraits will have blue arrows indicating their affinity for that Chore.
Characters with a stronger affinity for a particular Chore are more likely to accomplish better outcomes, which are assessed on a straightforward three-point scale beginning with the worst possible outcome and progressing all the way up to the highest possible result: Very nice, great, and just right.
Increasing Morale through Chores
Aside from differences in character choice, the results of each and every Chore are the same: Characters who take part in Chores together will each get one bar of morale and support points for their efforts. You have the option of choosing three different characters to take part in any given Chore; however, one of those characters must be Shez.
The other two characters will gain more Support Points with each other than with Shez, which is more than fine considering Shez has plenty of unique ways, including, to improve her Support Ranks with other characters. The other two characters will gain more Support Points with each other than with Shez. In addition to Support Points, you will also get Renown for performing Chores. Your perfect performance will also win you a gift of our choosing.
When you do a Chore, you will lose an Activity Point. You have a limited number of Activity Points available to you every Chapter. In addition, individuals other than Shez will only take part in a single Chore throughout each Chapter.