On this page, you will discover information and basic advice about how to acquire an S-Rank while completing either Main Quests or Side Quests.

During each and every skirmish in the game, you will be assessed based on three different criteria: the length of time it took you to complete the task, the number of adversaries you knocked out (the more adversaries you vanquish, the better), and the amount of damage you suffered (the less damage you take, the better) (the less damage sustained the better). If you complete a Main Quest or Side Quest and fulfill the requirements for time, KO count, and damage thresholds, respectively, you will get an S–Rank in that particular area. These requirements might vary from quest to quest. If you are able to achieve all three objectives in a single fight, the quest will be graded as a S. When you S–Rank a mission for the first time, you will get an unique prize. This reward will often include items that permanently increase a stat as well as Seals, making S–Ranks incredibly valuable accomplishments.
The following is a list of numerous hints and strategies that can assist you in achieving S–Ranks while completing Side Quests and Main Quests:
Master the map
In terms of guidance, this is quite disappointing. During the first time you go through a mission, you won’t be able to predict exactly where every event will take place; as a result, you won’t know exactly where you should send your troops. On successive playthroughs, you will have a better notion and will be able to reply appropriately.
Think twice
There are times when quests consist of a number of separate tasks, events, and ambushes that need to be completed. After you have determined what is likely to occur, you should be ready for it before the combat begins and send some troops into the fray to deal with possible issues before they can get out of hand and put your S–Rank run in jeopardy. The occasional objective security or rescue operation may often be handled by an AI that is assigned to assault or protect, provided that the assignment is not very complicated.
Take charge
If you have more pressing concerns elsewhere in the game, it is okay to give the artificial intelligence the instruction to seize a Stronghold on the other side of the map while you focus on them, but if time is of the essence, you should definitely take charge of the problem personally.
Don’t bother chasing after the stragglers
You need to strike a balance between your KO count aim and your clear time target at the same time, and hunting down tiny groups of adversaries does not assist either of these objectives collectively. Choose a character that has rapid attacks and area-of-effect moves, and then employ those moves strategically against groups of adversaries. It is to our advantage that opposing generals and hordes of fodder tend to go hand in hand with one another.
Work hard and smart
If you have more statistics and a higher level, everything will become simpler for you to do. Killing enemies at a quicker rate allows you to finish the fight more quickly, rack up more knockouts, and take less damage overall. Spend some cash on leveling up your auxiliary characters if you’re attempting to S–Rank a Main Quest. Having a complete roster of powerful characters at your disposal will help the process go much more quickly and easily.
Reduce the level of difficulty
A lower difficulty level results in foes of a lower level, which in turn results in more KOs, shorter clear times, and less damage taken by the player. Don’t be concerned, it’s only one person against the computer. There is no one who will pass judgment on you.
Don’t think about the S-Ranks too much
It is not necessary to stress yourself out over achieving S–Ranks during your very first match. Yes, all of the aforementioned recommendations may be helpful, but this one is the granddaddy of them all. When you are fighting a combat for the first time, you should prioritize recruiting new characters performing Side Missions, and gathering treasure. You will be able to relive all of the previous Main Quests and Side Quests after you have unlocked the Record Keeper, which you will do once you have completed Chapter 5. If you don’t succeed in achieving an S–Rank the first time around, you may always give an Auxiliary Battle another go. When you go through it a second time, you won’t have to worry about anything other than achieving the S–Rank goals you set for yourself. If nothing else works, you may always try your luck at S–Rank runs by recreating a fight using the Record Keeper. This gives you the opportunity to use characters, levels, attributes, spells, combat techniques, and battalions that you didn’t have the first time around.