In Final Fantasy 16, the Stone Tongue is a necessary component in the creation of an Ouroboros. We know the exact location of the monster you need to kill to earn the Stone Tongue, which is one of the game’s uncommon items.
Final Fantasy 16: How to Get Stone Tongue
If you want the Stone Tongue from the Notorious Mark board, you have to beat Agni. To reach Halfcombe, in the Kingdom of Waloed, and defeat this monster, you must complete the main story and gain access to Valisthea’s final continent.
To get to Halfcombe from the nearest Obelisk at Eistla, you’ll need to head south. Along the way, you’ll come across a second, similarly-devastated arena constructed from Fallen ruins and home to Agni. The monster will appear from a huge hole in the floor as soon as you step inside the structure.
Agni is comparable to the first companion you meet, Fafnir. The boss makes use of several tried-and-true maneuvers as well, such as the Collider, in which it rolls into a ball and spins rapidly around the field. If the creature is going to use this attack, simply dodge to the side.
Firewater is another attack to watch out for, as it involves Agni exhaling flames. Stay tight to the boss’s side and keep hitting its flank to avoid damage.
When you defeat Agni, you will receive 15,500 Gil, 100 Action Points, 35 Renown, and 8,000 Experience. Stone Tongue, which can be fashioned into an Ouroboros, will also be provided to you. This is some of the greatest defensive gear in the game, with 95 Defense and 32 Health.