Welcome to our ‘Fifa 2022: What Are The Different Types Of Shots?’ guide. There are several methods to score in FIFA 22, studying them all will help you take better shots. You’ll learn to spot circumstances that lend itself to a certain strategy.

The basic shot
Finalize a play in FIFA 22 with a great shot. A classic shot is successful regardless of position or distance from the goal, but it requires power and technique.
Perfect finish
Timed Finishing has been in FIFA since FIFA 19, so it’s no surprise it’s back in the next iteration. With practise, the Timed Finishing enables for a more precise and powerful stroke. To time a finish, hit the Shot button twice just before the player kicks the ball. This play is more difficult than imagined, and it works differently with each player.
The Timed Finish has a huge margin of error, making it easy to squander a good scoring chance. They’re also quite successful when shooting beyond the penalty area, so it’s worth trying.
Finesse shot
With less power but greater accuracy, the finesse shot generally results in the ball into one of the goal’s corners. Goalkeepers with less skill and/or outside the penalty area are more vulnerable to finesse attempts. To conduct a finesse shot, hold down the modifier button (R1, RT), then push the shot button.
Low shot
The ball goes high towards the goal, making it harder to defend. Most goalie interventions result in the ball being dropped, rebounding directly towards the opposing striker, or a corner kick. To produce a low driven shot, just press both the modifier (L1/LT) and firing buttons.
Chip shot
This is a technical strike that helps if the goalkeeper is attempting to dive beneath the attacking player’s legs. To perform this play, hit the modifier (L1/LT), shot, and direction buttons.
Bicycle shot
A bicycle kick is a tough move that only the best players can master. An ideal situation for a bicycle kick is during a cross away from goal, when the ball is 10-13 metres from the goal line and the shooter is undefended. To do a bicycle kick, hit the modifier (L2, LT) and shoot buttons, then choose the direction.
When the ball is in the air and at the right height, most opponents will aim for a header shot. A traditional header or a diving header depends on the height of the ball. A header is one of the quickest and finest ways to score following a cross in FIFA 22.
To avoid being struck by a header, a player will attempt to kick the ball before it touches the ground. They’re strong yet unpredictable, and less skilled players may struggle to aim for the goal when kicking the ball without receiving it first.
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