Welcome to our ‘Far Cry 6: The Guerilla Mission Walkthrough’ guide. This part of the Far Cry 6 guide offers a walkthrough of the final introductory mission, The Guerrilla. The tutorial below covers how to get the hidden ending, who to meet in the guerilla hideaway, and what happens when you go to the main campaign.
Far Cry 6: The secret ending
After the main objective Libertad Rises, you must destroy two enemy ships blocking the harbour on Isla Santuario.
You will arrive to Libertad Island via boat, and the rebels will have prepared a boat for you. This boat will unlock the hidden ending.
Start sailing away from the guerilla hideout to see the secret ending. You’ll witness the concluding sequence and credits after you’ve left the island.
A mysterious ending does not finish the campaign. You may still play from the main menu. Backtrack to the beginning of the procedure before utilizing the boat.
Far Cry 6: Talking to Juan
Juan is in a rebel base room. In exchange for weaponry and new Supremo types, you must obtain Juan some depleted uranium from the Yaran Story (side quest) Supremacy.
Far Cry 6: Talking to Clara
Meet Clara at the neighbouring tower. A cutscene depicting the rebels’ strategy will play.
Note: Completing this quest may unlock DLC content if available (pre-order, Gold edition, etc.). New missions, cars, Amigos, weapons, and other gear may be added.
Making microtransaction purchases earns you 300 Far Cry credits.
Far Cry 6: What about the main storyline?
From this point on, you may choose the order in which you complete the game’s primary quests:
- Begin the first quest in the Madrugada area. Meet the Monteros – this is a lower-rank area with less challenging battles.
- Go to El Este and start the first quest. The Legend.
- Start the first quest in the Valle De Oro area. Max Matanzas.
Far Cry 6: List of all the rewards for completing this mission
- Unlock the Hidden in Plain Sight trophy – you’ll get it after viewing the secret ending.
- Unlock the operation Meet the Monteros.
- Unlock the operation Meet the Legend.
- Unlock the operation Meet Maximas Matanzas.
- Unlock the Yaran Story Supremacy.
- Freedom to roam the map. The new primary missions may be done in any sequence.
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