Welcome to our ‘Far Cry 6: La Noche De La Muerte Mission Walkthrough’ guide. This Far Cry 6 walkthrough covers the prologue, titled La Noche De La Muerte. For example, we show how to evade notice when leaving via Esperanza and how to reach the boat in Yara.

Far Cry 6: Escaping the building
The combat in Esperanza begins on a building’s roof, and your first choice is the main character’s gender.
Remember that the protagonist’s gender has no effect on the gameplay or tasks. However, this is a permanent choice, and changing your character’s gender would need a new game start.
You can’t stand still for too long or a soldier may come from the roof and shoot you. You must follow Lita while avoiding any conflicts – this phase teaches you the initial gaming elements.
On one of the lower levels, you’ll run across some troops to test the cover mechanism. Sit back and relax as the enemy knock on the door. Go up the stairs.
When fleeing, remain low and maintain a safe distance from your opponents.
After reaching the street, slip inside the next building to learn how to lean out of a cover.
Far Cry 6: Get to the sewers
Follow another straight route into the sewers to complete the assignment. You may also sprint to get out of the open quicker.
In the sewers, there is only one way up. A flashlight will automatically switch on while investigating them.
Far Cry 6: Head to the rooftops
After escaping the sewers, you will need to utilise a ladder. Once at the top, you’ll learn to leap up higher shelves by just positioning yourself in front of them.
On the rooftop, you must perform a basic escape sequence. Reach the zipline and fall down to the neighboring lower roof. It’s time for another linear segment where you’ll learn to hop over minor obstacles. Continue your adventure to the next zipline.
Far Cry 6: Reach the boat
The mission’s conclusion will not introduce any new mechanics. Follow the straight route through the ruined city until you reach a pier with a boat. Watch the prologue’s ending cutscene.
Far Cry 6: List of rewards for completing this quest
- Smartphone – you may use it to make calls, read messages, undertake espionage, and scan goods.
- Machete for melee fighting and eliminating barriers.
- Diego’s Baseball Card which is a quest item.
- Yo Soy Dani Rojas trophy.
- Unlocking The Lucky One operation.
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