Welcome to our guide of “Far Cry 6: How To Complete The Take Your Medicine Quest?”. A breakdown of Far Cry’s Take Your Medicine quest is included in this guide. You’ll understand how to approach Jonron and give the drugs-transporting chopper.

How to complete the Take Your Medicine quest in Far Cry 6?
After finishing the Meet the Legend mission, you can begin this mission after hitting the Patriotas Peak guerilla base for the initial time. Just at guerilla camp, you will see El Tigre once more. To look for supplies, head to Sierra Perdida Supply Depot, which is where the chopper was gunned down. Reach the ruins of the helicopter once you’ve arrived to start a cut-scene depicting your first contact with Jonron as well as other prospective allies.
There at crash site, you will be required to combat hostile forces. Hear for screams from your buddies regarding where the next batch of adversaries is heading from throughout the gunfight. Radar indications can also be used to track down new opponents. Any firearm can be used by regular soldiers. Simply avoid being in the open & becoming an obvious target for them.
The hostile machines will be increasingly difficult to deal with. Grenades are ideal for destroying vehicles quickly, but you can also seek for elimination from behind a decent shield of on-board gunners. Sadly, there will be at least one hostile helicopter in the vicinity. We suggest employing a rocket shooter, a fixed cannon, or Volta supremo to transmit an IEM pulse, thus “halt” the flying vehicle in this situation.
What is the goal of this quest?
This quest’s goal can be challenging because the helicopter crash location is within anti-aircraft gun range. Any effort to reach this site via helicopter will be destined to fail, since you will be blown to bits while in the air. An AA cannon is located to the west side of here, so go there. It’s a great idea to clear out the surrounding adversaries as you arrive at your destination. It’s best to accomplish this quietly so one of the opponents won’t wish using the helicopter stationed nearby.
You can take out the anti-aircraft gun with grenades, a launcher, or a suprema Exterminador, for instance. Taking advantage of the chance to hijack a hostile helicopter from the same opponent base is an excellent option. You won’t have to go to a helicopter pickup location or search the gameplay for a “free” flight machine by this approach. Take off in the direction of Jonron as well as the other comrades after obtaining the helicopter. Simply fly to the accident location to see a mission-ending cut-scene. You are not required to land alone.
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