Welcome to our guide of “Far Cry 6: How To Complete The Knuckleball Quest?”. This tutorial will guide you through the Knuckleball quest within El Este. This guide shows how to attack the special convoy, fight the convoy’s troops, & safeguard the special cargo.

How to complete the Knuckleball quest in Far Cry 6?
This is another of the new major tasks available after finishing the New Revolution mission. You must first visit Jonron at the rebel hideaway in Concepcion, El Este, to begin this mission. There are two sections to this quest – First, You need first go visit the families who live in the nearby farms to persuade them to join the rebels in striking the special convoy. Then, beside Schaub Pass, the convoy would be targeted. It’s important to know that the flashing yellow spot is the special convoy which you should dodge till you reach the farmers.
To fully join a family that lives on any of the three farms, you simply have to meet the farm & speak with one of the NPCs. You could theoretically assault the convoy when it’s going around, but it’d be extremely risky given that the convoy also includes a tank. If you insist on giving it a shot, at the very least invest in a truck having a capable offensive armament. Wait till the special convoy crosses the pass before proceeding. The rebels might immediately throw massive rocks into the road and begin battling with the convoy’s soldiers.
A massive crate delivered on the rear of the truck would be the cargo you must safeguard. It’s best not to use explosives near it. In terms of the battle itself, this tank is the most severe danger, and you must momentarily sabotage it with an EMP bomb or the Volta supremo. This will also make taking control of the tank; however, avoid aiming the tank’s weapon at the truck’s cargo section.
You must battle until all of the troops in the convoy have been eliminated. If any of the companions hit the ground with in middle of a battle, don’t panic; you won’t fail the task. Simply keep on fighting till you receive a notice indicating that the task is finished.
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