Welcome to our guide of “Far Cry 6: How To Complete The Balance the Books Quest?”. This guide will help you complete one of Valle De Oro’s key tasks, Balance the Books. Our guide shows you where to locate the Russian twins, Bembe’s key, plus the wetland hotel’s safe.

How to locate Bembe’s key?
This quest is available after “Operation Poznas Maximas Matanzas”. Talk to Paolo at Camp Maximas. To visit Bembe Alvarez, go to Segunda within Valle De Oro. To witness the meeting cutscene, enter the central church. At the peninsula west of Segunda, there is the abandoned “El Tigre Dormido Hotel”. On your way there, you’ll get a photograph of the desired Russian twins. Once inside the hotel, you can select between stealth or direct combat with a troop of soldiers. Watch out for attackers that can poison you and kill you from afar. Do not attack Dmitri, the unarmed man standing still. One of the twins, you must speak with him after the bouts. Go in the pool together that has many bodies. Dmitri’s twin brother will be one of them. Find Bembe’s Key in the body.
How to open the safe in Villa Judia hotel?
The Villa Judia Hotel lies northwest of the place you found Bembe’s Key. As you approach the hotel, you’ll notice a sizable enemy group inside. It’s best to eliminate them before completing the second mission objective. Then, using suppressed weapons, eliminate the adversaries one by one. Your enemies may arrive by helicopter if you raise the alarm. You can free the wild animal cage within the hotel to “assist” you in defeating the enemies. After the fights, examine the area.
See the bigger hut, t he Restaurant Key is inside. Now proceed to the underwater slanted building. Dive into the water. You must swim into the twisted house. You can utilize the key you got before to open this door. Upon entering the new area, you will notice a safe that you can immediately open. Take it’s Black Book. Return to Villa Judia Hotel. Meanwhile, Bembe will have arrived in the region, and you must see him to hand him the safe contents.
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