Welcome to our ‘Far Cry 6: DU Or Die Mission Walkthrough’ guide. This Far Cry 6 walkthrough covers operation DU or Die, one of the first primary missions. How to identify Juan’s contact, get inside Fort Quito and take the depleted uranium, and unlock the Tostador flamethrower and Exterminador supremo are all covered in this guide.

Far Cry 6: Talking to Juan’s contact
To begin this quest, go to Clara’s camp and meet Juan from Juan of a Kind. To achieve the first mission goal, proceed to Sagrado, east of the hideaway.
Find Raiza and chat to her at the highlighted spot on the map. Get a really handy parachute from her.
Far Cry 6: Bribing the Solado with Yaran Pesos
Raiza will bring you to a tiny building where you must conceal your weapon to avoid alarming the soldier you will meet. Your goal is to bribe the individual you’re speaking with. In this situation, it will include nearby FND boxes. Finding these items with less valuable treasure is optional.
Far Cry 6: Scouting for Quito
To get to the perspective, you must follow Raiza again. There will be a lesson on how to scan the region using your character’s smartphone camera instead of binoculars.
Use the zoom option to permanently brand foes. Make careful to tag the cop passing through the fort so he may be readily identified and eliminated.
Far Cry 6: Stealing the depleted uranium
The major objective of this expedition is to infiltrate Fort Quito. The game provides you unlimited flexibility, but it’s best to consider this as a stealth task. Begin with jumping and parachute flying.
We recommend hiding in the fort’s rear. Dive into the water and find the cave entrance depicted.
The cave leads to the fort’s basement. Get rid of the lone soldier and utilise the ladder to access the fort’s restricted sector.
If you don’t wish to battle in the fort, then:
- Use a silenced weapon, follow marked opponents, and verify your radar readings.
- Destroy or circumvent the security camera.
- Attempt to access the box to disable the alarm system, preventing enemy reinforcements.
Your first goal is to find the cop, who holds the key. You may get rid of the officer in any manner you like, but the ideal option is to sneak up on him from behind when he’s walking around the castle’s top walls.
Alternatively, the key may be found in one of the fort’s chambers, therefore killing the officer isn’t required. But don’t give up, since murdering the cop is simple.
Obtaining the key will allow you to unlock the armoury door in the fort’s bottom portion. In the new area, interact with the massive box to get depleted uranium, a rare crafting resource.
You may exit the fort by the front entrance (look out for the lone guard), the basement, or by hopping over the wall.
The fort region has additional precious treasure. Examine all containers highlighted with symbols on the map and radar. However, searching the whole fort isn’t a must.
Far Cry 6: Delivering the depleted uranium to Juan
To Clara’s camp (you can use the fast travel option). Juan will give you two unique gifts:
Tostador: A flamethrower Resolver weapon. In one of your new tasks, the Tostador will automatically be put in one of your weapon slots.
Supremo Exterminador: A form of backpack. This specific Supremo lets you to fire a sequence of rockets towards targets or the area in front of your character. The Supremo needs charging before use (L1 R1 / LB RB on the pad).
Far Cry 6: Using the workbench for building a gadget
The supremo may also have devices installed. Select Supremo, then Gadget Mods from the workbench.
Some devices are accessible right away, while others need you to spend constructing resources. You have total freedom here, but always have a grenade, dynamite, or other explosives available.
The supremo’s gadgets are picked from a drop-down menu by tapping the correct d-pad button. Your character may then utilise the active gadget by pressing R1/RB on the pad.
Leaving the workshop completes the quest and tutorial.
Far Cry 6: List of rewards for completing this mission
- Hamilton Khaki Field Watch: This is a unique piece of kit that may be worn on the wrist. This item boosts defence when running.
- Parachute: This is an extremely useful item that you may use to conduct leaps from flying vehicles and from enormous heights.
- The Tostador is a Resolver weapon with a flamethrower.
- As a supremo, the Exterminador has unique qualities. Rockets are very important for damaging enemy buildings and hitting opponents.
- Unlock the usage of devices – each supremo has their own (e.g. grenades, throwing knives, Molotov cocktails or baseballs to distract enemies).
- Unlocking co-op allows you to play the following missions together.
- Operation Fire and Fury unlocked
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