Welcome to our ‘Far Cry 6: Clear The Air Mission Walkthrough’ guide. This Far Cry 6 walkthrough covers operation Clear the Air, one of the primary objectives in the Madrugada zone. Our tutorial describes how to begin the quest and how to defeat the poison (e.g. poison tanks, vehicles carrying poison, poison-spraying planes).
Far Cry 6: Interact with Carlos
The specified assignment is unlocked after completing the Meet the Monteros operation, which introduces the region’s narrative. Go to the rebel camp on the Montero Farm and talk to Carlos Montero.
Far Cry 6: Destroying the poison
Your mission is to disable poison storage and delivery trucks. Carlos’ assignment provides you a lot of latitude. Also, as in the Fire and Fury mission, you must totally fill the destruction metre. You may visit the map’s locations in any order and don’t have to finish them all.
You’ll get a message from Carlos with two images of the things and machinery you need to find.
You should be keen on doing the following:
You may blow up or shoot toxic barrels and other huge containers.
Again, explosives or, for example, the Exterminador supremo will work beautifully.
You may attempt to sabotage in stealth, but be careful to kill any attackers nearby and promptly flee any explosions.
If you choose direct confrontation, anticipate reinforcements. A helicopter may also come over the location, so either shoot it down (with a decent rifle or the surrounding turrets) or sabotage it (using the Volta supremo’s EMP impulse – more on that in the Supremacy mission walkthrough).
The procedure stops once the destruction bar is full.
Far Cry 6: List of all rewards for completing ‘clear the air’ mission
- Unlocks the operation ‘Second son’
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