Welcome to our ‘Far Cry 6: All The Uses Of The Smartphone Explained!’ guide. This part of the Far Cry 6 tutorial explains how to utilize the smartphone you get in the prologue. We show you how to utilize the phone to recon hazardous locations and check strange cars.

Far Cry 6: Reconnaissance
In Far Cry 6, the smartphone replaces your binoculars. By pushing up on the D-Pad, you may recon the phone. When gazing at your smartphone, you can and should zoom in to see distant things and goals.
Always undertake recon before approaching a big hostile region, since it helps you organise your actions and identify important sites and personalities. If possible, undertake recon from a high point where you can view the whole hostile region, or at least most of it. During recon, you should:
- Tag your enemies: Officers may have access cards to closed rooms in threatening regions.
- Tagging machines: Vacant machines may be stolen, particularly if you find a tank or a helicopter. If you inform your opponents, they may employ cars against you.
- Finding alarms: Destroy them from afar or personally. Larger locations feature many alarms.
- Finding cameras: Use quiet weapons to destroy them from afar. The camera may trigger an alert if it detects you or a dead adversary.
- Finding additional distinctive objects: These may be stationary gun turrets or cages containing predators who will attack and distract foes if the cage’s entrance is destroyed.
Far Cry 6: Pictures with hints
A smartphone may also receive suggestion photographs. This is just for main and side tasks. It’s possible to receive photographs connected to a mission (one or more) by pushing down on the D-Pad.
The images might be of a quest location or a car to discover. Usage: Use these suggestions in missions when you have to seek for items on your own instead than marking them on the screen.
Far Cry 6: Scan vehicles
The smartphone’s camera may also be used to scan automobiles. To do so, remove the phone from your inventory (Up on the D-Pad) and frame the whole car.
This mechanic enables you to add scanned automobiles to the garage. This allows you to utilize them throughout the remainder of the campaign. You can’t scan military vehicles like tanks or helicopters. You must physically deliver them to the pick-up location or take over enemy bases if you want them in your garage.
Far Cry 6: Clicking photos
Strangely, you won’t need to utilize the environment photo option frequently. Taking out your phone (Up on the D-Pad) and catching the precise object/character in the shot is necessary in a few scenarios.
Far Cry 6 has a Photo Mode that works without a smartphone. In picture mode, you may also operate the camera. You’re not confined to first-person shots. The Appendix has a separate page for the picture mode’s primary functionalities.
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