Welcome to our ‘Far Cry 6: Far Cry 6: All About Direct Combat & Stealth!’ guide. This part of our Far Cry 6 guide contains fighting and stealth advice. You’ll learn how to keep your character alive while fighting troops and hazardous vehicles, as well as how to sneak attack.
Far Cry 6: How to fight in a direct combat scenario?

It’s possible to run against “bullet sponges” that take a lot of rounds to kill. Also, in Far Cry 6, not all headshots are instant kills. It’s a product of the RPG elements introduced in Far Cry New Dawn. Encountering strong adversaries should draw your attention to the region’s rating, which represents the region’s enemies’ strength (the region’s rank steadily increases during the campaign). Avoid regions with higher levels than your character, since they may be difficult. Keep these in mind for future reference (and better equipped).
The best way to defeat your opponents is to constantly update your armoury with new weapons, preparing yourself for a variety of confrontations. You should have weaponry for unarmored targets, armoured infantry, and hostile robots. Weapons have levels as well, but you need also consider their specific abilities, such as poisoning foes. You should upgrade your weapons’ battle capability.
Three things to remember in open gunfights. First, take cover to avoid significant injury while battling big numbers of adversaries. Remember that certain cover is breakable and opponents might force you to move by tossing grenades, which will be indicated by an icon.
Second, remember to utilise the radar to locate your foes. It may be used to detect opponents coming or attempting to flank you. So you’ll have time to respond.
Third, and most crucially, keep an eye on your health bar. Your health regenerates over time, but you can also heal manually (hold down the Triangle / Y button on the controller), which restores your HP significantly faster. If you don’t have any “free heals” right now, try to avoid risky circumstances.
Aside from normal troops, you may face elite troopers in guarded locations, primary missions, or pursuits. Enemies using launchers may kill or gravely injure you with a single shot. Enemies may also build up turrets and shield-bearers. Prioritise them and assault them with your best weapons and technologies.
You’ll also have to deal with enemy robots as well as soldiers. Fight them with your own vehicles, ideally armoured and armed.
Tanks and assault helicopters are the most hazardous vehicles to combat. You may employ rocket/grenade launchers or explosive rounds in other firearms to damage opposing vehicles, although EMP charges (such the Volta supremo) might immobilise them. Then you may take control or expose them to more bullets (to take over a tank you need to quickly reach the hatch on its roof).
How to fight using stealth?

Except in the last narrative task, when being spotted would sound an alert and call reinforcements, stealth isn’t required. Whenever feasible, it is advised to approach confrontations in stealth. When detected, only engage in open battle.
Try to perform some recon with your smartphone before approaching any new dangerous region. It will first help you locate foes and tag them, allowing you to follow their movements. It helps you remain concealed and reduces the chance of being startled by an enemy soldier approaching. Rooftops, towers, and other high sites should always be checked for snipers.
During recon, you should also tag unoccupied cars, security cameras, and alarms. You may safely destroy the cameras, stopping them from seeing you or your foes’ bodies. Disabling alarms prevents adversaries from contacting reinforcements, however take in mind that bigger hostile locations may have several alarms. You must locate them all.
Using hushed weapons prevents adversaries from sensing your presence. First, you can mute some weapons by installing supressors on them (optimally two – for taking single shots from long distances and quick bursts at medium distances). You can also use a bow or a crossbow, but you won’t be able to fire quickly with either. They function best when you have time to aim.
Instead of silent firearms, use melee weapons to discreetly slaughter adversaries. Use these if you can sneak behind a (single) adversary and search their body. The game also has throwable weapons, which are unlocked and put in your current Supremo.
Pets may help you in clandestine operations. We recommend unlocking Chorizo the dachshund as soon as possible, since his special ability helps you to surprise or dodge adversaries. However, we think Oluso the Panther is the finest stealthy Amigo owing to her ability to ambush adversaries and kill them without warning others.
The HUD in Far Cry 6 shows enemy alert levels. Both when you approach an enemy’s line of sight and are “discovered” as well as when you notify them are warned. You’ll only have a few seconds to respond and silently destroy the warned adversary before they inform everyone else.
There are many techniques to avoid discovery. First, seek for distinctive stealth gear – the chest armor decreases the noise your character makes while travelling. If possible, walk on higher heights, like rooftops, and search for hiding locations like thick shrubs where you can wait out a challenging scenario or quietly plan your next move.
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