Welcome to our guide “Fallout 4: How To Complete The Pull The Plug Quest?”. You must fix several pipes in the Pull The Plug quest and the tricky thing is locating them.

How to start the Pull The Plug quest?
To start the task, travel to Thicket Excavations, that is located to the east-side of Sanctuary. Speak with Sully Mathis, who will most likely be near the giant yellow pump. He makes it plain from the beginning of the talk that he is ready to willing to pay good for your assistance. If you want, you can bargain with him for about a higher price. However, you should finally agree to assist the man.
How to repair the pipes in the quest?
You must fix the pump’s pipes. Sadly, they are all submerged in the large pool beside the pump. So you’ll have to struggle with radiation and lack of oxygen while fixing them. Fortunately, they’re not very deep, and each pipe only requires one valve. Look for bubbles in the water to locate broken pipes. The exact sites are:
Two pipelines enter the water from the pump. Follow them to the first valve, immediately below the pipe’s water entry. The next valve is close the water’s edge. Move to the east to locate the broken pipe’s location. The valve is submerged several feet. The third and last one is in the pool’s northeastern section. Find the valve by diving.
How to start the pump?
Return to Sully after fixing all the pipes. And he’ll let you turn on the pump. To do so, simply turn on the machine’s circuit breaker. After that, two Softshell Mirelurks will attack you. Not hazardous, but you’ll have to fire at them several times before they’ll stay down. After defeating the enemies, talk to Sully to collect your task reward of bottlecaps. After the water recedes, you’ll discover raiders, extra Mirelurk, as well as plenty of riches.
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