Greatswords might be clunky, but they can do a lot of severe damage to foes in Elden Ring. We’ve compiled a list of the greatest Greatswords to locate and wield throughout the game.

What are the best Greatswords in Elden Ring?
Below, we’ve organized the greatest Greatswords in Elden Ring into tier lists, from best to worst. However, bear in mind that even the “worst” greatsword in Elden Ring listed on this list is a magnificent weapon, so don’t dismiss it.
Blasphemous Blade
Blasphemous Blade has a unique Taker’s Flame strike that is incredibly powerful owing to its increased range, fire damage, and lifesteal ability. This Blade is widely recognized as one of the best Greatsword and Faith weapons in the Elden Ring.
It is gained by selling Remembrance of the Blasphemous with Finger Reader Enia at the Roundtable Hold, which is an item dropped by Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy in Mt. Gelmir’s last battle Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy.
Gargoyle’s Greatsword
If you need something that grows with Strength and Dexterity, Gargoyle’s Greatsword is a good option. It, like Blackblade, features Vacuum Slice, a unique long-range ability.
To get this weapon, fight the Valiant Gargoyle on the lowest level of the Siofra Aqueduct in Nokron, Eternal City.
Darkmoon Greatsword
Like its predecessor, Darkmoon Greatsword enables you to fire a beam of moonlight from its blade.
You may get this weapon under the Cathedral of Manus Celes after delivering Ranni the Dark Moon Ring, which is part of the fairly long Ranni’s Questline.
Bloodhound’s Fang
One of the simplest weapons to get in the early stages of Elden Ring. Bloodhound’s Fang has become a fan-favorite Greatsword because to its two devastating strikes, a slash upwards and a hop back, which can turn even the most difficult boss encounter into a battle with their minions.
After fighting Bloodhound Knight Darriwil, you may discover this weapon at the Forlorn Hound Evergaol (Limgrave).
Banished Knight’s Greatsword
The Banished Knight’s Greatsword, a greatsword that can be readily improved with regular Smithing Stones, has one of the greatest sets of maneuvers in Elden Ring, making it an effective option for a greatsword.
This weapon may be looted from the body of a Banished Knight foe.
Golden Order Greatsword
A Greatsword that is mostly focused on faith-based builds. The Golden Order Greatsword has high scaling coupled with improved AoE damage.
Its special Established Order Skill enables the user to generate a golden explosion with devastating damage scaling, making this weapon an absolute must-have in your arsenal.
This greatsword may be obtained as a fallen item from Misbegotten Crusader in the Cave of the Forlorn.
Grafted Blade Greatsword
The Grafted Balde is a hazardous weapon to employ since it is great for continuously injuring your opponent with fatal and high damage armor assaults.
Despite the fact that the strikes are sluggish, you may still hit a few punches that cause substantial damage.
You may improve your qualities and poise by using the Oath of Vengeance special skill. This weapon may be found after fighting Leonine Misbegotten at Castle Morne.
Ordovis’s Greatsword
While it seems tame to others, Ordovis‘ Greatsword has a great damage potential owing to its robust defense that reduces damage. It also has an area-of-effect damaging ability called Ordovis‘ Vortex.
Crucible Knight Ordovis drops this weapon in the North Entrance of the Leyndell Capital. It’s easy to locate here.
Sacred Relic Sword
A weapon primarily known for dealing extra holy damage. The Sacred Relic Sword emphasizes Strength, Faith, and Dexterity.
You may use its Wave of Gold special ability to unleash waves that harm many opponents that within its radar. This weapon may be obtained by exchanging Elden Remembrance with Enia at Roundtable Hold.
Inseparable Sword
One of the greatest Greatswords for faith-based builds is Inseparable Sword. It focuses heavily on Strength, Dexterity, and Faith, and with its Sacred Blade special talent, you may fire golden blade projectiles that do deadly damage to your opponent.
This weapon was dropped by a Teardrop Scarab at the Spiritspring, north of the 3rd Markia Church.
Claymore has been rated as one of the finest weapons in a variety of games, including Dark Souls 3. So, what better way to honor this weapon than to award it a higher rating in Elden Ring?
Claymore is well renowned for its thrust assault, which makes it a one-of-a-kind weapon to handle. It may be found in Castle Morne.