Welcome to our guide “Elden Ring: How To Get Margit’s Shackle?”. Having a hard time in Elden Ring trying to beat Margit, the Fell Omen? Here’s how to get Margit’s Shackle, which will make the battle a bit easier.

How to get Margit’s Shackle in Elden Ring?
To get Margit’s Shackle, you should first reach Murkwater Cave. For this guide, we’ll assume you’re traveling from the Dragon-Burnt Ruins at Limgrave, where you face Flying Dragon Agheel. Look for a short route to the left in the Dragon-Burnt Ruins’ shallow, murky water. Under a bridge with dangling bodies, take the route up. You must defeat an NPC to continue. This encounter might be difficult for newer players, so be alert.
After fighting the NPC, travel the route until you reach a tree-obstructed opening on the left. The Murkwater Cave awaits here. Once inside, you’ll see bandits with split paths. Get rid of the bandits, then follow the right-path to the golden fog door that leads to a boss room. After passing this fog gate, you might notice something odd. In the central area of the room, there’s no hideous beast, just a tempting chest. Go up to this chest and open it to begin the boss fight against Patches.
Unlike other boss encounters, Patches looses the match when his health drops halfway. Please resist the impulse to kill Patches here. He’ll ask for your pardon when he’s done talking. Just respond with “Forgive and forget”, then talk again. Next time you visit, he’ll mention opening a shop and inviting you back. Having that queue, go to the beginning of the Murkwater Cave & rest at Site of Grace. After resting, return to where you battled Patches and talk to him again. He’ll sell you stuff, including Margit’s Shackle. Buy Margit’s Shackle for 5,000 Runes, then proceed to the Castleward Tunnel to fight him using it.
So, this was our guide “Elden Ring: How To Get Margit’s Shackle?”. Feel free to leave a comment below!