Welcome to our guide “Elden Ring: How To Get Deathroot?”. Find out where to get all the Deathroots within Elden Ring and who all to fight to get them.

How to get Deathroot in Elden Ring?
Deathroots are spread around and take a lot of plot progression to collect. Summonwater Village, northeast of Limgrave, has the first Deathroot. Tibia Mariner drops Deathroot inside the village. The boss has few abilities and you can conjure online players or Spirit Ash to fight him. Within Deathtouched Catacombs is the second Deathroot. The catacomb is to the north of Limgrave. You must explore a catacomb and unlock a gate. Passing the gate lets you fight the Black Knife Assassin. After beating the boss, unlock the chest behind him. Inside is a second Deathroot.
Towards the east of “Liurnia of the Lakes”, is the third Deathroot. The Artist’s Shack, north of here, is the nearest holy site. You’ll see one more Tibia Mariner as you approach the map’s location. Fight the boss to receive the third Deathroot. Black Knife Catacombs hold the fourth Deathroot. Inside the catacombs, find the door’s lever. Go across it to encounter Cemetery Shade and three skeletons. Fight the boss and open the chest behind him. The fourth Deathroot is obtained.
Under Wyndham Ruins within the Atlas Plateau is the fifth Deathroot. The third Tibia Mariner will drive its boat here. This boss spawns a gigantic Spirit to help in battle. It drops a Deathroot when defeated. A sixth Deathroot is to the west-side of Atlas Plateau near Gelmir Hero’s Grave. Fight “Red Wolf of the Champion” at the Grave’s boss gate. Unlock the chest behind the boss inside the arena and you will get the sixth Deathroot.
In Giants’ Mountaintop Catacombs is the seventh Deathroot. Unlock the boss gate by pulling the lever. This catacomb contains Ulcerated Tree Spirit. Unlock the chest behind the boss within the arena to get this Deathroot. Eighth Deathroot lie to the west of the “Snow Valley Ruins Overlook” site of grace. After reaching the spot, you’ll meet the last standard Tibia Mariner. The opponent is weak and easily stunned. It’s the second-to-last Deathroot. The ninth and final Deathroot is within the “Hidden Path of Haligtree’s catacombs”. After beating Stray Mimic Tear, unlock the chest behind him. The last Deathroot is in the chest.
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