Welcome to our guide “Elden Ring: How To Find The Golden Parry Ash Of War?”. Those who are having trouble landing a Parry on the adversary might consider obtaining that Golden Parry, which can help. Here’s how to find it.

Elden Ring: Finding the Golden Parry Ash Of War
Golden Parry isn’t hard to get, but players must reach the Altus Plateau to obtain it. A higher-level location, most players won’t get there until mid-game but if ready to work hard and run through strong adversaries, it can be reached right away. To do this, Tarnished must first obtain the Dectus Medallion’s two halves. Then they can take the Dectus Grand Lift into the Altus Plateau. The other way forces players to fight Magma Wyrm Makar, an intimidating sword-wielding wyrm discovered at the summit of the rumble-filled Precipice. Once on the Altus Plateau, players should head for the “Outer Wall Phantom Tree Site of Grace”. They can then travel north till they see a flight of stairs leading to Leyndell, the Royal Capital. A Teardrop Scarab perches on a railing towards the bottom of the stairs. Killing Scarab grants the “Golden Parry Ash of War”. Going too near to the Scarab will make it to flee, forcing players to restart from the “Site of Grace”. It’s best to kill it using a bow or even magic.
How to use the Golden Parry?
To use Golden Parry, players must infuse their medium or small shields with the Erdtree Incantation. When activated, a golden stream of energy will radiate from the shield, costing 4 FP each time. Instead than having to physically contact the enemy, this parry has a significantly larger hitbox. This means players can parry enemy attacks from afar without letting them get near. The golden wave’s cone shape allows it to block several opponents. This parry, if hit correctly, will stun the opponent, leaving them exposed for a critical assault.
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