Welcome to our ‘Elden Ring: How To Defeat Bloodhound Knight Darriwil? guide. The boss can be found in the Limgrave region, in the Stormhill Evergoal. He is in Stormhill Evergoal. This is an optional boss to beat the game. You can teleport to the boss arena by interacting with the Evergoal.

How to defeat this Bloodhound Knight Darriwil?
This boss is quick and agile, and he often vanishes. So, even when he’s not attacking you, keep your shield drawn and equipped… but don’t overdo it, because the boss bleeds. If you block his attacks for too long, the bleeding status bar will quickly fill up and you will continue to take damage. Attack once with a slow weapon, twice with a fast weapon. The alternative is to trade attacks and take unnecessary damage. The boss is aggressive and attacks frequently, so try to heal yourself or the bleeding status when you are far enough away from him. You can’t use ghosts to fight Darriwil! This is a major handicap.
How to fight using mage build?
Darriwil is a very agile boss who closes the distance quickly and easily dodges spells that have no wind-up. Obtain the Magic Glintblade spell beforehand. This spell first creates an aura, then a sword materialises and flies at your foe. Darriwil will try to avoid the spell’s wind-up, not when the sword fires.
Begin by exiting the circle without approaching the blue light. The blue light will appear when leaving the circle. You’ll put a lot of distance between you and him if you exit the circle from the opposite side.
You never have enough time to cast a spell. Cast only when the boss is away or finishes a missed combo.
Equipping a shield and switching between it and your staff may be useful. When he’s far away, use your staff, and when he’s close, draw your shield. This is a good solution because the shield protects you from the boss’s unpredictable attacks. It’s also worth blocking his first three attacks before responding. The boss usually stops attacking or prepares for the next strike, allowing you to attack. Remember to dodge after attacking if you fail to break his poise, as he will likely strike again.
You may have heard odd wailing coming from the Mistwood Ruins if you crossed the bridge from west Limgrave. To utilize the new “Finger Snap” emote, go about the Church of Elleh and talk to the merchant Kalé about the wailing.
Do so, and the wailing source will leap from the destroyed tower to welcome you. Blaidd the Half-Wolf is on the search for Bloodhound Knight Darriwil.
Enter the Forlorn Hound Evergaol after finishing Blaidd’s speech. You may now call Blaidd to help you from the floor close to your spawn point in the arena. With Blaidd as an ally, this fight is a breeze compared to battling Darriwil alone.
What’s the Reward for defeating?
Darriwil’s Fang is the reward you get for beating him.
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