Elden Ring’s Yelough Anix Tunnel is a dungeon. It may be found immediately south of Yelough Anix Ruins in the Consecrated Snowfields. You should have no trouble locating the entrance to the tunnels since they are slightly noted on the map. Unlike many tunnels, Yelough Anix Tunnel is not very large and has a limited number of adversaries. The tunnel’s layout is simple, making it hard for a person to become lost.

In the tunnel, there are a few formidable opponents with their own boss varieties. These adversaries will spawn from portals in two distinct spots along the tunnel. Here’s all there is to know about the Yelough Anix Tunnel.
Make your way to the elevator at the end of the corridor from the entryway. The Site of Grace is reached by taking the lift down. After you’ve interacted with it, enter the tunnel and turn right. You’ll come to a point where you can see a hole and a door on your right.
The closed door on your right can only be unlocked from the opposite side, which you’ll find further in the tunnel. Return your attention to the hole in the room and leap down.
There will be two Miners, which you must eliminate. Gather the three Freezing Greases and go further down the tunnel. After that, you’ll come across another region with a couple more Miners. Deal with them and take the Golden Rune from the ice platform’s body.
In front of you, there will be two ways. One is straight across the ice platform, while the other is down the ladder. You must first descend the ladder, where you will discover two places.
A Smithing Stone may be found behind you, beside a dead miner. First, go to the right and confront the two Miners. Collect the Rune Arc and go to the left section after dealing with them. An Alabaster Lord will arrive through the portal here. Deal with him and then go left to get two Smithing Stones from where he appears. On another body, loot the Lord’s corpse for an Alabaster Lord’s Sword and an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone. Return to the top of the ladder.
Continue inside the corridor by jumping to the other side of the ice platform. Kill the Miner and take six Explosive Stone Clumps off the wall, as well as a Somber Smithing Stone.
After that, climb the ladder and eliminate the two Miners. Take the next ladder up and get a Smithing Stone. After passing through the tunnel, you’ll come to a chamber with a gateway.
After entering the chamber, turn right to locate a Somber Smithing Stone in the wall. Go to the portal and defeat Onyx Lord when he emerges. Collect a Somber Smithing Stone from the far right corner and a Hero’s Rune from the corpse in the center of the room. Continue on until you reach the boss gate.
You’ll also see the sealed door behind you that leads to the Site of Grace you discovered at the start of the tunnel.
Boss Fight: Astel Stars Of Darkness
Inside Yelough Anix Tunnel, Astel, Stars of Darkness is the boss. The monster will arrive via a portal when you unlock the wooden gate and begin blasting purple beams at you that cause significant damage.
As the beam emerges, roll to one side or the other to dodge them. Because the beam travels so quickly, evading it might require some skill.
Astel, Naturalborn Of The Void possesses the same attacks and moveset as the monster. This combat takes place in a smaller arena than the one in Lake of Rot. You still have plenty of leeway to sprint around the arena and position yourself correctly to evade the boss’s blows.
The boss has the ability to teleport behind you and seize you. This is an assault to keep an eye on. By avoiding this, you will be able to land many blows on his skull.
His skull is a vulnerable area, receiving more punishment than the rest of his body. If you’re a ranged character, keep close to the boss since Astel’s mid and long-ranged strikes are the most powerful.
Holy Damage is quite effective against the boss. You may enchant your right weapon with Holy damage by using Order’s Blade. Some special weapons have Holy damage-dealing abilities.
Keep in mind that you may use Spirit Ashes to make this battle considerably simpler. Mimic Tear is a fantastic choice for this battle since it can utilise all of your Holy Weapons and Incantations. This will improve your boss damage output. You may also use Golden Vow after summoning Mimic Tear to boost both your attack and defense.
The Meteorite of Astel may be obtained after defeating the monster.