Welcome to our guide of “Dying Light 2: How To Loot Evacuation Convoys?”. Evacuation in Dying Light 2 Convoys can be hard; here’s how to loot for goodies while clearing the horde.

How to loot evacuation convoys in Dying Light 2?
Civilians fleeing the city in the initial stages of the virus epidemic left the Evacuation Convoys behind. These convoys always have lucrative stuff that players want to lay their hands on. Because of this, the early phases of Dying Light 2 are difficult. Preparing Aiden for a zombie horde that encircles the Evacuation Convoys is critical to succeed. Having a good supply of throwables will help the gamer control the crowd. Items required to handle a crowd around a convoy include Molotov Cocktails, Knives, Decoys, Lockpicks and a two-handed weapon.
Defeating the zombies
Controlling a huge group of undead is the greatest approach to cleanse a large area. So, before travelling to any of the map’s crate icons, ensure that Aiden has the aforesaid Dying Light 2 things. Assemble an Evacuation Convoy to help Aiden escape the horde. After locating a favourable position, the player must scatter decoys to lure as many zombies as possible. It takes a few tries because not all zombies see or take the bait. Molotov cocktails can be used to burn a large group of people at once. Sadly, a few zombies will undoubtedly remain and approach Aiden. Throwing knives now kill most biters with one shot. If they come too close, arm Aiden with the two-handed blade and aim at the head. Make sure to repair and maintain equipment in Dying Light 2.
Looting the convoys
As soon as the area is clean, Aiden must race to find and retrieve the loot buried in any vehicle, APV, or even within a hidden room. Then they must break the lock to get the riches. Before attempting to enter an Evacuation Convoy, the player should be proficient in lock picking. It’s simple to worry and try to expedite lock picking, but this results in broken/wasted lockpicks. Remember that Convoys will reset, allowing Aiden to go back for more loot following a few day/night cycles in Dying Light 2.
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