Welcome to our guide of “Dying Light 2: 3 Safe Codes That You Need To Know!”. Explore Villedor to find some of the Dying Light 2 safe codes. Some are simple, while others are more difficult to decipher. Some safe permutations are hidden inside notes that are simple to learn. This means you can spend hours seeking for hints without understanding you already know the answer. A code from Dying Light 2 contains riddles, another requires math, and yet another is a treasure hunt. Here are 3 safe codes that’ll really help you!

Dying Light 2: Safe Code 9 7 3 – First Biomarker
As part of an early side quest to collect a prototype biomarker wristband, you’re likely to come upon one of the initial Dying Light 2 safes. Many people are seeking for the erroneous name, Kasumi, but the genuine name in the task note is Katsumi. Whatever name you’re seeking for, the number 973 provides the solution to these puzzles:
⦁ Whenever you flip it upside down, it shrinks.
⦁ An odd number becomes an even number when a letter is removed.
⦁ A small child goes to the supermarket and purchases a dozen eggs. All but 3 eggs break as she walks home. How many unbroken eggs are there?
Dying Light 2: Safe Code 14 9 2 – The Moonshine Safe
While you may find the safe in the first region of Dying Light 2, the number, 1492, typed as 14-9-2, is sealed behind a mission later in the game. To get it, you must locate two characters named Jack and Joe who are jailed inside the Peacekeeper prison. They’ll first appear as part of an operation to recover a Water Tower and you can assassinate them, thus you won’t see them again. If they survive and are apprehended in prison, they will give you an assignment named Moonshine with the code: a year in which America was found.
Safe Code 3 1 3 – Downtown Thugs Bandit Site
During part of the story, you’ll come upon this camp. When you ascend the tower, you’ll find the safe. Look for offices with 2 yellow light stuffs hanging from the ceiling as you rise. The safe is inside, and you can find this safe code, 3 1 3 on a note nearby.
So, these are the 3 safe codes that you need to know in Dying Light 2. Feel free to leave a comment if you liked our guide.