Welcome to our guide “Dungeons & Dragons: What Are The Best Tiefling Bloodlines?”. Tieflings are a renowned humanoid race having an infernal ancestry. A Player’s Handbook has only one variant, although “Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes” has many subraces. These subraces are built based on the bloodlines of the “Archdevils of the Nine Hells”, not regions or surroundings. This article will help you choose the ideal Tiefling bloodline for your next character!

Dungeons & Dragons: Asmodeus
The most formidable Archdevil from the Nine Hells, Asmodeus dwells in the depths of Nessus. Asmodeus is one of the most powerful evil characters in D&D’s world, so Tieflings bearing his blood are quite prevalent. They have access to spells associated to the Nine Hells – the Thaumaturgy, the Hellish Rebuke, and the Darkness. A Warlock’s “Devil’s Sight Eldritch Invocation” can help control a crowd’s damage output. Hellish Rebuke is also a good spell for characters that don’t have access to reaction options to make the most of their turn rotation.
Dungeons & Dragons: Baalzebul
Maladomini is ruled by the Archdevil Baalzebul. Baalzebul, a demon who seeks to corrupt others, drives already evil people to greater evil. To match this, Tieflings with Baalzebul’s blood inside their veins have full access to spells which aid weaken opponents. Unlike Asmodeus bloodline Tieflings, they can utilize Ray of Sickness to poison their enemies, and Crown of Madness to cause them to constantly hurt their comrades. This is an excellent utility that may give useful shutdown options for practically any class.
Dungeons & Dragons: Dispater
Dispater, the paranoid lord of secrets, rules the second Hell, Dis. It’s no surprise that Tieflings of the Dispater’s bloodline have access to spells that helps them gather information. Besides Thaumaturgy, Tieflings can use Disguise Self and Detect Thoughts. Disguise Self allows a character to effortlessly reach where they need to go without drawing suspicion, whereas Detect Thoughts allows a character to gather otherwise secret information from NPCs.
So, this was our guide “Dungeons & Dragons: What Are The Best Tiefling Bloodlines?”. Please leave a comment below!