This guide will teach you all you need to know about the best Necromancer builds in Diablo Immortal. In addition, we will discuss the finest abilities, weapons, and armor sets for Necromancer Builds in Diablo Immortal.

Diablo Immortal: How to play Necromancer?
Necromancers excel in summoning, support, crowd control, AoE, and single target. They have the most Crowd Control of any class in the game, making them exceptional at stopping attackers in PvP. They do a lot of harm.
Necromancers do huge damage but move extremely slowly. The Necromancer, on the other hand, is the ideal pet class. If you like using pets in your games, the Necromancer is ideal for you.
The raid boosts from Necromancer are fantastic, and its ultimate is the best in the game. Necromancer has minions for every circumstance. In PvP, it also awards Tactical Play. Their movement is poor, and they may be Corpse Reliant. You may have to switch between builds on a regular basis.
In PvP, necromancers may be hit or miss. They summon an extremely unpleasant wall or tower that can significantly disrupt teams if you understand how to utilize their skills. It does, however, take some getting used to. In PvP, some of your summons perish quickly. As a result, it requires some practice.
The Necromancer may summon monsters that can tank all damage while still causing massive quantities of damage.
The Necromancer class is best suited for groups. It will provide your party members a variety of perks. The skill Bone Wall, which lets you to lock down opponents and do massive damage, making Necromancer highly useful in PVP.
Necromancer is a challenging class to play since most of your talents need you to be close to your opponent’s mid-range. Furthermore, since it is a slow class with no escape abilities, you will have to play wisely in that range.
Before you may fight, you must first summon your golem and skeleton mage. Then, with your skeletal army and golem, attack the other force. Continue to summon your golems and skeletons to reap their benefits.
You always employ the Dark Curse when there are as many pets as possible in the target zone. Always keep this ability on cooldown. The remainder of the time, you may spam your primary strike into the crowd.
Best Diablo Immortal Necromancer Skills
Soulfire, Command Skeletons, Command Golem, Dark Curse, and Skeletal Mage will be our primary abilities. All of these may be summoned to wreak devastation on your opponents. The legendary power of Guided by Maggots will enrage all of your summons. Gather everyone, curse them, and flee.
You’ll be able to conquer anything on your own. It will be a little sluggish. You have to simply stroll about since wraith form stinks, but you have an army to do your bidding. Just sit back and watch everyone else perish around you.
When playing alone, Soulfire and Bone Wall are very helpful talents. You may use Bone Wall in conjunction with Ever-Grasping Vestments to create a line of skeleton troops. It will place a little formation in front of you. You may spam Soulfire from behind with this configuration.
We’ll kick things off with Corpse Explosion. It’s quite useful in Challenge Rifts, one of the few game types where we’ll continue to utilize it. Command Golem will tank for us and summon a deity.
With a dark curse As we gather our massive cluster of opponents, Mournful Destroyer will curse the earth and deliver continuous damage. We’re going to lay this down and burn them to death. Once the bodies are on the ground, they detonate.
In the group Challenge Rifts, we may grab items that will benefit our buddies, such as Bone Armor. A bone barrier absorbs damage for 12 seconds, protecting you and your friends.