The Demon Hunter class is one of six playable classes in Diablo Immortal. This guide will walk you through all elements of the Demon Hunter class in Diablo Immortal. Including the finest abilities, setups, and equipment.

Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Gameplay
In Diablo Immortal, the Demon Hunter Class is a Ranged strength class. Demon Hunters are vigilantes who attack their adversaries from a distance. They have high DPS talents and traps that let you to keep your adversaries at bay while dishing out tremendous quantities of damage.
Demon Hunter has strong skills and main strikes that can deliver a lot of damage to a single target. Along with great mobility speed to flank and kite during engagements. The class’s mobility is only enhanced by the traps available to Demon Hunters. This enables them to further delay their opponents during combat.
To balance the class, Demon Hunter lacks effective escape abilities and has relatively low health. This means that merely a few strikes will kill you.
In general, Demon Hunter is a class that demands right tactics to employ in each combat. The class is ideal for those who want a pure DPS, point-and-shoot playstyle in Diablo Immortal.
Strength is the key stat for the Demon Hunter Class. Especially since it boosts the class’s damage output as well as its Combat rating. Fortitude is the secondary stat for Demon Hunter. It helps you to improve the armor penetration on your strikes as well as the total damage of Critical Hits.
Aside from this, players may improve their fight survival by investing in Vitality and Willpower. Intelligence will be your dump stat for the Demon Hunter class since it is the least useful stat for it.
The most effective usage of Demon Hunter necessitates paying close attention to your positioning in the combat. You must be far enough away to avoid any adversary rushing at you.
You should also position yourself such that you can easily protect yourself if the opponent comes after you. This is best accomplished by providing just small avenues for the opponent to pursue you via that you can quickly exploit.
Second, don’t forget to switch up your assaults. Keep in mind that demon hunters will only prove to be a legitimate DPS class if you utilize attacks that your opponent is weak to rather than strikes to which the adversary has great resistance.
Best Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Skills
The Demon Hunter Class’s two major abilities are as follows:
Crossbow Shot: Shoot an arrow to deliver more damage while going slower.
Explosive Arrow: Fires an explosive arrow that does area-of-effect damage.
The Demon Hunter class has some of the strongest high damage abilities in the game, although some are much superior than others. Here is a list of the greatest talents for the Demon Hunter class.
Knockback Shot
A blast of dark energy that pushes foes back. If the adversary comes into contact with an obstruction after being knocked back, it will be stunned for 4 seconds.
Because Demon Hunters perform best at a distance where they are safe from melee assaults, this talent is very useful in getting away from any adversary that tries to come near to you. This helps you to keep a safe space between yourself and your foes.
Furthermore, employing the talent in confined spaces will work even better since you can stun the adversary for 4 seconds, which is plenty of time for a Demon Hunter to flee.
Knife Trap
This enables you to lay an undetectable trap that detonates when an adversary approaches. With Demon Hunter’s ranged damage capabilities, foes will have to take a lot of damage before they can approach near to you. This talent lets you to build traps at chokepoints, making them inescapable and causing additional damage to already weakened foes.
You become the personification of vengeance, and all of your main attacks fire two more bullets. The Demon Hunter’s lone self-buff talent, and it is one of the greatest abilities the Demon Hunter possesses. Vengeance will be used on every build for Demon Hunter to simply improve your damage.
For 30 seconds, you may call a sentry that shoots at all foes, causing damage every shot. Again, the talent enables you to choke your foes at critical spots, giving you and even your squad some breathing room if you are pushed back or holding a position.
Demon Hunter can spin quickly while firing in all directions. When you have this talent, you can deal with foes even if you are surrounded.
Though you will be travelling at a slower rate, Strafe makes it virtually hard for anybody to even flank you, as your high damage firing in all directions would undoubtedly kill the majority of them, giving you an opportunity to escape.
Best Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Weapons
Demon Hunter has access to a number of crossbows throughout the game as his main weapon for fighting, but only a handful of them stand out.
Flamespite Legendary Crossbow
The Flamespite Legendary crossbow is the greatest weapon for Demon Hunter to use as your primary hand weapon.
The major rationale for this pick is because it gives you an extra 1-3 scaling in a random Primary Attribute and 1-3 scaling in a random Special Attribute. Using this crossbow on your Demon Hunter will give you more Strength, Fortitude, and Vitality.
When utilizing the Flamesprite, you will also get enhanced Critical Chance and Critical Damage, which is very useful for a high DPS class like Demon Hunter.
The weapon’s Multishot talent releases numerous flaming arrows at your targets, setting them on fire and dealing ticks of damage after the initial hit.
The weapon comes with one Gem socket. We recommend utilizing the Berserker Eye Legendary Gem in conjunction with the weapon. This gem will significantly increase your Armor Penetration, Critical Chance, and Critical Damage, in addition to offering a modest boost to all of your basic stats.
The Hellbinder is the second weapon we suggest pursuing. The weapon’s primary ability enables you to unleash Explosive bullets that put your adversaries on fire for 2 seconds. The shots also have an AoE range and will strike any other adversary in close proximity to your target.
The weapon is ideal for chaotic battles in which you must cope with swarms of foes.
The weapon additionally increases your Fortitude and Vitality while also enhancing your Demon Hunter’s Critical Damage.
Best Demon Hunter Armor Sets in Diablo Immortal
Demon Hunter has access to a variety of armor that, when donned, delivers various bonuses to your hero stats. Though you may create any combination by mixing and matching your armor set, here is a list of the greatest armor components in the game that we suggest.
Plate of Lethal Intent
This legendary chest item enables you to cut your Knife Trap arming time by 85 percent. The longest disadvantage of Knife Traps is their lengthy arming period, after which they become undetectable and armed, ready to explode.
Using this chest will greatly minimize the arming time of the traps, enabling you to set the traps in response to enemy assaults rather than hoping someone will come and put on the trap. This enables you to employ the trap by dashing into a combat, laying the trap, and then fleeing.
Heart of Vengeance
The Vengeance skill’s cooldown will be reduced by 15% with the Heart of Vengeance chest plate. Though it may not seem to be much, Vengeance is your go-to talent most of the time owing to the massive damage increase it gives.
Heart of Vengeance lets players to utilize Vengeance significantly quicker, particularly when combined with other armor components that reduce Vengeance cooldown.
Cuirass of Death Watch
This chest item boosts your Strafe damage by 10%. Strafe lets you to fight many adversaries at once and from all sides by swiftly turning and firing your Crossbow in all directions.
The 10% damage boost will raise your chances of not just earning kills, but also of creating an opportunity to flee.
Coff’s Unrelenting Fury
Coff’s Unrelenting Fury greatly improves your Vengeance skill. You will fire 1 extra rocket that causes tremendous damage for every 2 Primary Attacks.
Cowl of Absolute Punishment
Multishot’s damage is increased by 10% with the Helm. The cowl works best with the Flamespite crossbow’s Multishot ability. All of your Multishot uses will cause extra damage, and if you land all of your hits, you will be able to one-shot certain adversaries.
Day’s frightful Persona
The helm increases the damage of Knockback Shot by 10%. When used correctly to force your opponent into a barrier, the enhanced damage may be followed by another talent that allows you to completely annihilate your opponents.
Cowl of Focused Hatred
The Cowl of Focused Hatred grants you four extra shots in your Multishot talent. These shots may significantly enhance your damage output, particularly with the increased likelihood of a critical hit.
Visions of the Lost
Again, the Helm improves your Vengeance skill. When using the Vengeance ability while wearing the helm, each destroyed opponent adds 0.2 seconds to the remaining duration of Vengeance, up to a maximum of 2.4 seconds.
While you use Revenge when most of your foes are already at low health, you will both wipe them out and boost your vengeance timer, letting you to continue the attack.
This Legendary Shoulder piece also lets you to fire two homing rockets in your Multishot. When combined with the fact that you have just scored many strikes on your adversaries, both of these rockets do considerable damage.
Bombardment’s Toll
When employing Rain of Vengeance, Bombardment’s Toll lets you to summon bomb-dropping monsters. These explosives do damage and stun foes.