Today, we will tell you all the secret tips that no one will tell you about. These tips will be of great help especially if you are just starting out. There’s a lot to see and do in Sanctuary. Although crafting your own route through the hordes of demons and undead that infest the area has its advantages. There are a few hazards, time-wasters, and suboptimal means of moving. If you want to make the most of your time. Try to seek truth in the words of those who have gone before you. Hope that the same corruption that has affected the Worldstone hasn’t also harmed the memory from which this counsel was drawn.

Concentrate on the Story
While it may be easy to get sidetracked by numerous events and dungeons. You’re best off sticking to the main questline until you reach Westmarch, at the very least. You’ll get access to new activities, resources, and merchants as you go through the game. The sooner you get access to them, the better. Although progress is not retroactive in the case of certain resources, such as the Bestiary. Unfortunately, the Battle Pass isn’t much assistance in this area. Especially since it will propose events and activities that are sometimes rather far away. In the case of Dungeons, you’ll have to complete them again in the main questline anyway.
Upgrade your equipment
Concerned about wasting resources upgrading a low-level rare? Don’t be. When you discover new weapons and armor, you will very probably be requested to free-of-charge transfer equipped jewels and ranks to the new equipment. Consider upgrading arms and armor as improving that item slot (helmet, chest armor, etc.) rather than upgrading a single item, since that’s how it’ll work… providing you’re not degrading in quality (i.e. going from a rare item to a magic item).
Regularly salvage
You have limited inventory space, and lesser gear is only eating up space. Visit the Blacksmith on a regular basis to salvage extra gear; the resources generated may be utilized to enhance the gear you’re already wearing.
Loadouts may be customized via the Armory.
Sometimes the best gear for one circumstance isn’t the best gear for another, and the tools you’ll use to clear a Rift aren’t the same ones you’ll use for PvP. Enter the Armory, where you may store and change between custom loadouts at your leisure, making it simple to ensure you have the finest equipment for the circumstances at hand.
Examine the Bounty Board
While it is busy work, it is profitable busy labor. Check the Bounty Board in Westmarch on a daily basis and accomplish the bounties for treasure and XP.
Use the Map to select your battles
Not all foes are created equal, and many garbage mobs are… well, the name says it all, doesn’t it? After a while, bashing the same Fallen pack into demonic goblin mush isn’t worth it. Navigate using your map, ignore the fodder, and look for blue or yellow markers on your map to signify uncommon creatures that may be more deserving targets. This is particularly handy in rifts, as unique creatures earn you significantly more advancement than regular adversaries. At the absolute least, attempt to progress while allowing weaker adversaries to hunt you down and amass, then when there’s a large enough number to demand your attention, take them out with AoEs.
Auto-Navigation and fast travel
You may add custom markers to the map and, in many situations, opt to have them auto-navigate to them. You may also often fast travel to numerous missions, events, and activities by clicking on their descriptions on the left side of the screen. There is a lot of fluff out there, and not all of it is worth your time – avoiding duplicate regions or having the game escort you to your goal are wonderful quality of life elements you should take advantage of. Just be cautious while using auto-navigate; the pathfinding isn’t perfect, and creatures and terrain might come in your way, prompting you to intervene manually. Still, it’s preferable than having to return through the same dunes, marsh, or graveyard for the umpteenth time.
Heavy enemy attacks and dodging
Maintain a dodge (or other damage mitigation) ability at all times. Some adversaries may unleash exceptionally strong strikes, and evading them is critical since they do severe damage and can stun you. An area-of-effect overlay is often used to illustrate these assaults. Unique monsters may also trigger different effects that induce damage spikes, which you should try to avoid. Using a dodge to evade powerful strikes or to put space between yourself and the terrible effects of unique creatures progresses from useful to critical later in the game.
Control your Potions
In Diablo Immortal, you have access to three Healing Potions. These potions have a cooldown between uses, their effects heal over time rather than instantly, and their charges recharge while you participate in battle. All of these factors add a bit of strategy to the normally mundane task of keeping your HP full, and while it’s generally sufficient to just pop a Healing Potion when the screen turns red (the low health indicator for when you’re reduced to around 25% of your maximum HP), later on you may want to heal more preemptively, rather than just in case of emergencies. With just half your health and three Healing Potions, you’re facing a swarm of foes. Heal up early, and the cooldown and charges will replenish throughout the battle, saving you from running out of supplies when harder foes come.
Experiment with new talents
It might be comfortable to depend on tried-and-true talents, but you should constantly equip and test new skills to determine their usefulness and fit into your playstyle. The first four talents you gain are generally not the best four skills for your class, particularly when legendary items begin to drop that change how these skills work. Worst case scenario, you don’t like the new skill and can revert. On the other hand, the final four talents acquired are probably not the optimal combo, so leave your choices open and equip what fits for your own playstyle and the gear RNG has bestowed upon you.