Today we will talk about Diablo Immortal’s Hidden Lairs. What are Hidden Lairs and how do you locate and clear them?

What exactly are Hidden Lairs?
As you explore, you may sometimes be told that a Hidden Lair has spawned in your current zone. Hidden Lairs are excellent sources of treasure, XP. Most importantly, Normal Gems, and it is possible to get many of these priceless baubles in a single Hidden Lair. Unfortunately, the “hidden” aspect of the term Hidden Lair obscures these occurrences. Zones are quite big places (for example, Ashwold Cemetery). A Hidden Lair may spawn in a variety of locations around the map.
Worse, Hidden Lairs may be timed and/or instanced. This means they may despawn and/or be cleaned by another player if you don’t locate them soon enough. This introduces an undesirable element of dumb luck into the activity. If you want to finish them, you’ll have no option but to travel about the spawn zone. Mainly seeking for probable entrances to the Hidden Lair. All the while not knowing whether it has despawned or been cleared.
Nonetheless, the possibility to get a few of Tourmaline gems to improve your damage output for stumbling into a Hidden Lair makes them well worth hunting out.
How to survive Hidden Lairs?
While Hidden Lairs might be difficult to discover at times. Once you’ve found and entered one, clearing it is rather simple. A Hidden Lair is in between a regular world and a real Dungeon in terms of material. You must zone-in to the region much like a Dungeon. Once there, you’ll discover that Hidden Lairs are normally pretty short, self-contained affairs. However, some may be multi-level) that need you to plow through multiple events akin to real world events. This normally entails killing some unusual animals, after which you’ll be rewarded. Also if you’re fortunate, these gifts will contain a Normal Gem of some kind. If you’re very fortunate, you’ll acquire numerous gems that you actually want to use!
When you reach the end of a Hidden Lair, you’ll discover a teleporter that will take you back to the zone where you found the Hidden Lair.
Overall, you should seek out Hidden Lairs when the notice appears on your screen, since there aren’t many better methods to acquire Normal Gems. Given their obscurity, you may wish to get acquainted with a certain location and look for Hidden Lairs there. At the very least, you’ll know approximately what to look for. For example, the crypts in the Ashwold Cemetery (and its numerous subareas) often hold Hidden Lairs – they’ll have a door you may enter through when there’s a Hidden Lair present, otherwise being inert scenery. You may map out potential spawn areas after you’re acquainted with where Hidden Zones can spawn, making locating one lot simpler, but still tiresome.