Tomb of Fahir is Diablo Immortal’s third dungeon. This tutorial will show you how to clear the Tomb of Fahir in Diablo Immortal so you don’t have to deal with the problems that await you.

Location of the Tomb of Fahir Dungeon
When you achieve level 28 while completing the Shassar Sea zone’s questline, you will be able to enter this dungeon. Once you have fulfilled Tabri’s request, she will instruct Peth to unlock the passage to the Zoltun Kulle Library.
The dungeon will be near the Sereth Outpost Waypoint.
Items from the Tomb of Fahir Set
The first time you play this dungeon, it will be part of a questline. You may, however, replay the dungeon on a higher difficulty to enhance the challenge and get greater rewards.
Set items begin to drop after you reach Hell 1 difficulty, which is essentially what you need in Diablo Immortal.
When you finish the dungeon, the bosses in Tomb of Fahir will drop items.
- Braided Serpent of Shal’baas(Ring) Hell 2
- Exemplar’s Urge(waist) Hell 1
- Issatar Undone(ring) Hell 2
- Mountebank’s Bravado(waist) Hell 1
- Mountebank’s Flourish(amulet) Hell 2
- Open Gut(waist) Hell 2
- Shepherd and Beastmaster(gloves) hell 1
- Storm-Tack of Shal’baas(waist) Hell 1
- The Tyrant(boots) Hell 2
- Whipcrack(waist) Hell 1
All the bosses in the Tomb of Fahir
This dungeon is a little more difficult than others. The first monster you will face is Icon of Rebirth, who is located on the far left side of the battlefield. After you defeat the monster, he will reward you with some experience and treasure, depending on the difficulty level you are playing at.
Run to the right side of the map for the next boss. You will come across Icon of Souls there. Once again, beat the boss to obtain experience and prizes.
You now go to the inner room in the center, where King Fahir will spawn. The boss strikes with AOE knockback.
After you beat him, you must follow the road in front of you to the elevator.
While exploring the depths, you will come upon another monster, The Colossal Tomb Borer. He’s rather simple to fight if you don’t stand in front of his face, which will knock you back.
After defeating him, you will enter the depths and meet Segithis, the Clusterflesh.
Diablo Immortal Tomb of Fahir Guide
How to Defeat the Icons of Rebirth and Souls?
They are more like mini-bosses than genuine bosses in the game. They are quite simple to beat without having to struggle.
Lacuni Slasher, Lacuni Huntress, and Hollow One are summoned by the Icon of Rebirth. Spiderling, Toxic Lurker, Broodmother, Skeletal Archer, and Skeletal Warrior are summoned by Icon of Souls.
After smashing his staff to the ground, Icon of Souls emits a blue laser beam. To dodge the harm, just run around.
AoEs are quite important in combating both of these monsters. When melee minions appear, kite them to the boss and then target your AoEs on both the monster and the minions to deal with them both at once.
How to beat King Fahir?
The only way to defeat King Fahir is to withstand the knockback assaults. To accomplish so, you must stand in front of the pillar and tank the damage. You’ll sustain moderate damage. However, they also do a lot of damage. Keep your heals on hand in case you suffer a lot of damage.
King Fahir will produce mummies with a greenish light on them during the battle. Run away from these mummies because they will explode after a time.
King Fahir will repeatedly smash his staff to the ground. When he does this, be prepared since it signifies he is going to fire bombs at the players. Just keep moving to avoid being hurt by them.
When a big telegraphed circle develops around King Fahir, he is going to draw the players in close and knock them back, doing significant damage. When you notice the circle, attempt to escape out as soon as possible.
How to beat Segithis the Clusterflesh?
After fighting King Fahir, go to the elevator and turn it on. On this elevator journey, many little creatures will assault players, but you should have no issue defeating them.
A Tomb Borer will eventually cling onto the platform and begin generating other monsters. Kill the tomb borer as soon as possible to avoid being overpowered by this fresh wave of foes.
Once the battle against Segithis begins, keep moving and dodge the poison orbs it throws out in a cone. If these orbs strike a player, they will take poison damage over time.
Segithis will perform a swipe attack on a regular basis, which should be avoided. When struck by it, players are thrown back and take a substantial amount of damage.
Prepare to flee if Segithis forms a circle around a player. You have around 1 second until the circle closes, and if you are caught in it, Segithis will web you up and drag you close enough to inflict heavy damage.
Continue to hit her rear legs until her head is dropped, enabling you to deliver the most damage.