Diablo Immortal Challenge Rift information, including where to locate them, how to open them, and how to clear Challenge Rifts.

Challenge Rifts are a kind of activity in which you compete to finish as many levels as possible in a specified amount of time to determine your rank. The higher your level within the community, the greater your prizes. Even if you don’t want to compete with the rest of the community it is fine. Clearing a Challenge Rift can net you a variety of resources. Including money, gear, and XP, as well as anything drops from foes inside the Challenge Rift.
How to begin a Challenge Rift?
The Challenge Rift Entrance, a strange mechanism on an elevated platform in Westmarch, provides entry to Challenge Rifts. To get here, continue the main questline until you meet Lethes after the dungeon. After then, you’ll go to Westmarch and accomplish different main quest objectives that introduce you to Elder Rifts and Jewelers. This is before triggering the “Rift of the Elders” objective, which will act as your tutorial for Challenge Rifts.
Unlike Elder Rifts, you can attempt a Challenge Rift whenever you want, without having to spend real money on fancy Crests.
When you begin a Challenge Rift, you must choose a Rift Level. Challenge Rifts scale proportional to your character’s level regardless of Rift Level, although the greater the Rift Level, the more powerful adversaries inside a Challenge Rift will be related to you. The greater the Rift Level, the more hazardous the adversaries, but you’ll also gain bigger prizes for clearing a high Rift Level Challenge Rift, and your place in the community ranking will rise.
How to finish an Elder Rift?
If you’ve played Diablo 3, you’re familiar with Rifts. Enter the Rift, and you’ll be determined to finish it, win or lose. Inside a Rift, your purpose is to kill foes swiftly in order to fill up a “Rift Progress” meter. This will summon the Rift Guardian, a monster you must beat in order to finish the Rift.
To clear Rifts fast, try to avoid spending time on stragglers and instead concentrate on clusters of foes. Unique foes are highly valuable because, when destroyed, they drop “Rift Progress Orbs,” which fill the Rift Progress gauge more quicker than conventional enemies. In addition to the wealth you’ll get for slaying a Rift Guardian, the foes you destroy along the route will drop riches as usual.
After beating the Rift Guardian, you’ll have 5:00 to complete any unfinished business in the Rift before it shuts and you’re returned to Westmarch. After defeating the Rift Guardian, a Blacksmith will conveniently spawn. Just in case you weren’t paying attention to your inventory and ended up overburdened.