Diablo Immortal is not playable offline. Even if you do not intend to play cooperatively with a buddy. You must be online & connected to a server in order to play Diablo Immortal. The following tutorial will teach you all you need to know about changing servers. .

Because the game is played online, it is critical to choose the best server for the lowest possible latency/ping. It should also be remembered that your characters are tied to the servers on which they are formed. If you change servers later, you must create a new character.
Changing Diablo Immortal servers
To change a server in Diablo Immortal, go to the main menu and choose a presently available server from the Server Settings option.
If you’re new to the game, you can see pre-selected servers on the list of available servers. If you’re not a first-time player, your previously played servers will be pre-selected.
Furthermore, you may touch on the chosen area to get a list of other servers from which to pick. This server list includes all available servers, including the ones you’ve selected. This list is separated into sections, with the first part devoted to the area, which is subsequently divided into regions.
Furthermore, players may search for specific servers by utilizing the search box located at the top of the servers list in the right corner.
The best Diablo Immortal server
To prevent any sort of performance concerns, the finest Diablo Immortal servers to use are those accessible in your local location.
Playing in your local location ensures the lowest ping, which means your game will be more responsive and have less lag. Otherwise, playing on high pings increases the chance of the game slowing during hot battles, which might result in your character’s death.
Before you can create your character, you must first confirm your friends area and servers. If you later wish to move locations and servers to join your friends, you will have to start again. Any characters you created on your prior server will be gone until you return to play.
This is due to the fact that Diablo Immortal does not enable cross-region or cross-server gameplay. You cannot also move characters across servers in the game. As a result, all progress, equipment, and accomplishments are bound to the server where the character is created.
How to check the status of Diablo Immortal servers?
The most straightforward approach to verify the server status in Diablo Immortal is to visit the Blizzard Forums. If a server is offline for maintenance, a notification or update will be posted there.
However, Twitter is the fastest method. Each area has its own Diablo Immortal Twitter account. If you live in North America, for example, you may keep track of your server status by following the North American Twitter account.