Cycle of Strife in Diablo Immortal is more than simply a killing-focused PvP activity. The server-wide faction conflict involves several intricate components to determine which side prevails. The Sigil of Dominance lies at the center of all of these components. This article will explain what the Sigil of Dominance is and how to get it in Diablo Immortal.

How to get Diablo Immortal’s Sigil of Dominance?
In this game, Immortals are famous, wealthy, and powerful. “The Immortal” rules the Immortals. Each ruler’s four lieutenants are staffed with Immortals.
For someone else to govern, they must first get to the top and beat The Immortal. But first, you must serve as an Immortal and contribute to the clan in order to advance to a higher degree of control.
Clan’s contributing factor is the Sigil of Dominance. The Sigil of Dominance is one of Diablo Immortal’s several currencies.
Joining the Immortals means everyday tasks. These accomplishments will earn you the Sigil of Dominance.
Once you reach Immortal Age Bronze IV, you may also acquire Sigil of Dominance from the Hilt Trader. Talk to Lieutenant Fizriah in Westmarch about purchasing the Sigil of Dominance in return for Hilts. He may be located in Westmarch’s northeast, directly above the Immortal Overlook Waypoint.
If you wish to prevent the Shadows from winning the battle, you must continue harvesting Sigil of Dominance and donating it to your group. If an Immortal player does not contributing, a Lieutenant will most likely toss them out of the faction.