Welcome to our guide “Destiny 2: What Is The Daily Focus Playlist In The Guardian Games 2022?”. Use the Destiny 2’s “Daily Focus playlist” to easily stock up Laurels in the “Guardian Games 2022”. The Daily Focus extra Laurels will come in handy if you’re buying Contender or Platinum Cards to help the Warlocks, the Titans, and the Hunters, or just farming Bright Dust. So, how does the Destiny 2’s Daily Focus playlist work for this year’s Guardian Games?

Destiny 2: Daily Focus playlist
During the Guardian Games 2022 event, everyday one activity in Destiny 2 gets selected as the Daily Focus playlist, granting all players a limited number of bonus Laurels. It seems to be just between the Vanguard Ops, the Crucible mode, or the Gambit in Destiny 2. You can enter the Daily Focus playlist during any time to begin earning your bonus Laurels, but you must have your “Guardian Games Medal Class Item” on and ample room in your Medallion Case to carry them all.
On the Destinations page, search for the small Guardian Games symbol on any of the activity nodes to see which activity is the Daily Focus. You can also check your Medallion Case to see which Daily Focus activity going on. On the Destinations page, click the Milestones tab to see how many bonus Laurels you’ve collected. You will have used up all the additional Laurels of the Daily Focus Playlist before then, but you’ll still be able to obtain normal Laurels from all activities. Each day at 17:00 UTC, Destiny 2 resets the Daily Focus.
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