Welcome to our guide “Destiny 2: How To Get Laurels From The 2022 Guardian Games?”. Hunters, Warlocks, & Titans compete to earn the most medals to win their class in the 2022 Guardian Games. In order to acquire Guardian Games products that help you win those medals, you’ll need Laurels, which are the small tetrahedron-shaped things that opponents drop. Here’s how to get them.

How To Get Laurels From The 2022 Guardian Games?
To earn Laurels in Destiny 2, simply defeat opponents with your “Guardian Games Medal Class Item” while using any Subclass ability. Beating powerful opponents will also produce Laurels, so aim the bigger rivals as well. To gather Laurels created by you or your fireteam, simply run over them. If you don’t have the Medal Class Item currently, go to Eva Levante within the Tower Courtyard for getting it. If you lost a Medal Class Item, Eva will replace it for 1,000 Glimmer.
They come in three kinds based on who makes them. Titans make red Laurels, Hunters blue Laurels, & Warlocks yellow Laurels, but you can take any of them with no cost or reward. You can keep up to 500 inside your Medallion Case, however any extras will be lost. Because you can gather Laurels of any colour, you’ll hardly be short of them.
Also, Strikes & Public Events will supply plenty of them. Every day during the Guardian Games, Destiny 2 includes a Daily Focus event that switches at 5pm UTC with a daily reset. As a result of participating in the required activity, you will soon be swimming in Laurels. Check for the Guardian Games symbol beside an activity node in your Destinations page or in your Medallion Case to see which Daily Focus event it is.
So, this was our guide “Destiny 2: How To Get Laurels From The 2022 Guardian Games?”. Please leave a comment below!