Welcome to our guide of “Cyberpunk 2077: Should You Give Brigitte The Access To The Chip?”. You can select whether or not to let Cyberpunk 2077 Brigitte access the chip in the I Walk The Line task. Although it may seem important, declining her offer puts the quest thread on hold in Cyberpunk 2077 till you’re able to resume it.
While this cannot be predicted beforehand, it is helpful to realize that this particular choice is really a fictitious one. So, here’s the lowdown on this Brigitte chip choice.

Should you give Brigitte the access to the chip?
When you return to Placide and see Brigitte after dealing with the NetWatch Agent. After this, you’ll have the option of handing Brigitte full access to the chip or “looking out your other alternatives first,” depending on the option you choose for that phase of the mission.
In Cyberpunk 2077, it’s crucial to examine all of the possible endings. There are certainly quite a lot of them. However, in this case, exploring your other options only stalls the task until you return.
If you choose to walk away, you’ll leave Brigitte, claiming that you’re not in that much of a hurry. The I Walk The Line goal will be completed, and the Transmission objective, which is Brigitte’s next mission in the main story, will begin.
It’s essentially a technique for interrupting the mission’s progress. So that you can go do something else, with the main goal of “returning to Brigitte to take her offer.” The mention of ‘alternative options’ is merely a red herring that leads nowhere; you simply get a moment to relax before accepting Brigitte’s proposition and accompanying her into the tomb.
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