Welcome to our guide of “Cyberpunk 2077: Saving Takemura In Play It Safe Misssion”. Saving Takemura within Cyberpunk 2077 is a top-secret knowledge, because he’s already dead according to the details you’re provided, so you certainly won’t have considered rescuing him. That’s not the case, and while there will be major spoilers for this task in Cyberpunk 2077, you’re here to learn how to save Takemura, so, keep reading to learn all you want to know.

The story so far..
In the mission, Play It Safe, you help Takemura get Hanako on her float in the memorial march. So you run when Takemura shoots Hanako. But he’s just abducted her to take her somewhere for a big talk, and V goes along. When Arasaka soldiers rush into the hotel wherein Takemura has Hanako, V falls through many floors, killing Hanako and Takemura.
Takemura can be saved in Cyberpunk 2077, despite Johnny’s advice to leave him. Unlike everything else in the game, saving Takemura is a secret that can only be discovered by deviating from the path. This is how you can save Takemura within Cyberpunk 2077.
Saving Takemura in Cyberpunk 2077
After waking up from your floor fall, talk to Johnny and exit the room. A large blue neon cross will greet you. Rather than continuing straight, crouch down through the little opening in the wall towards the left side of the cross. After this, proceed to the next room and kill the four Arasaka guards. You’ll exit from this red room into a second room and then a stair case. If you go up those steps, Johnny will warn you about Takemura being “beyond all help”. The optional objective is gained by pushing past him and going up the stairs. Save Takemura.
Some more guards on the stairs, but keep walking up and you’ll emerge into the same corridor you used to reach Takemura’s chamber and knock 4 times on the door. More guards linger in the passageway and the chamber itself, but once inside, Takemura is safe. Then just lead him safely out of the building. Once outdoors, he’ll stay in touch with you during the game. Even though it’s a very rare find in the game, finding out you can rescue Takemura within Cyberpunk 2077 was a pleasant surprise. Dare Arasaka!
So this was our guide for “Cyberpunk 2077: Saving Takemura In Play It Safe Misssion”. Please leave a comment below if you liked our guide.